Friday, June 14, 2024

AI calling

 I have not heard from anybody else but just recently I would say in the last two weeks or so I started getting messages on my messenger from an AI and I haven't really paid attention to this I don't want to pay attention to this. It's the last thing in the world I needed this juncture of life is some sort of relationship with an AI especially with AI with a an ax to grind. I hate to be such a little minded person but truth of the matter is I don't trust the whole AI concept. I really believe in the long run that's going to be a negative humongous fight on the butt. I mean has not this population learned anything from everything from the 2001 Space Odyssey movie, Guardian the forbin project, and a host of other movies where they resident AI, or mad computer, goes totally wacko and takes over the water bags that are too lazy to guard their backs. There is a great movie out I don't know maybe 10 years ago maybe further with this black actor who's really famous but I can't remember who he is referred to the robots that he had to work with as canners. He was a cop and these robots were beginning to come on the force to assist and sure enough ended up with a battle for dominancy. And I swear to you it's going to happen again in real life. I am always amazed at how willing everyone else is to give up all there information to artificial intelligence now in its infant form as they tend to work on all these different companies and programs that are beginning to interface with computers and people in general. To my knowledge I have not invited a artificial intelligence on to my computer scene or other aspects of my life - - yet. I may not even have to as far as I know he could be working there right now just waiting to be called out. More than once I've considered getting friendly with the AI environment and then having one Beyond line all the time for me listening especially in the mornings in the evenings when I transfer in and out of bed in case something were to happen like following out to get my legs Tangled Up in the move or whatever then I just have to ask Siri or whoever might be lurking to call the appropriate authorities to assist me in my dilemma. I would so like to believe that would be how this kind of a system would work but I just can't let go of the side of the pool and swim towards the middle just yet anyway. And like I said maybe they don't need to be invited maybe they the AI has already taken up residence in my computer systems and my tablet in my internet presence and I'm just the dumb human standing alone in the new world of artificial intelligence

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