Wednesday, June 05, 2024


    I've come to the sad realization that I'm going to have to purchase a new set of glasses at some point in the near future. I've been trying to rehabilitate the last pair I just purchased a few months ago. I blame myself it's all my fault but once again I rolled over a set of perfectly good glasses and this time been in the frame so bad that the little elephant behind the Shelf at Walmart couldn't fix them and I believe she really tried but at the same time I think she's young and she wasn't really really to take a risk and like I said that's okay because primarily this is my fault. The glasses themselves I purchased through that senior Glasses program here at the apartment complex. This program also through every once in awhile and offers eye inspections in eyeglasses at the reduced price for seniors. Maybe what I'll just have to do is wait around till the next time they show up and either have them fix it or order another set of glasses through those guys it's relatively cheap and the glasses are good it's not that the glasses are at fault I'm at fault that's all there is to it. Fortunately, I have a pair of backup glasses, for the time being, that will work. Another pair that I rolled over not breaking the frames as much as I defiled the lenses putting in some pretty decent scuff marks. Now, I have trained myself to look around the smudges and I'm relatively happy with these specs and I guess they will do until I can get the other set fixed or order a new set of glasses when the optical dog and pony show Wander through the building again.

Finally, the hot days of summer feel like they finally gotten here. I enjoyed the heat all day today as I went back and forth on the bus to Walmart and the apartment complex here. I enjoyed the Heat wherever I went the heat show remain for the next week at least, a heat Dome currently exists over the Utah State and the western United States. The weather people make it sound a little dismal but they're still pleased with themselves for bringing the hot weather to the Wasatch Front. Brought a back slapping going on my channel of weather guys. Of course it'll get a little more serious fun more seniors kick off, the fires beginning earnest and they start talking about the water levels escaping local reservoirs and great bodies of water. I personally think we're okay and we'll have a little bit longer Heat season than usual and then wander back into the winter when it's time. There's no doubt in my mind that we are suffering the heat of global warming and it's probably going to be the Doom of this species but until that time I plan to enjoy every day I can of getting out and taking advantage of everything that's available to me..

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