Thursday, June 20, 2024

Coffee antisocial

 I almost stopped along the way yesterday and picked up a bunch of donuts or something that could have been used today for treats at Coffee social. I didn't however I didn't really have the weld to drag the sweets on the bus home and bring it this morning to the social. I should have I don't really know what's going on. I try not to get involved any more than I have to. However, the person good old Marsha sort of seems to be falling down on parts of the experience of being the person in charge and that is having treats for the people who come to the social. And I think we have a bunch in one of the cupboards they're not the best treats in the world but at least there's something they're like sandwich cookies and stuff like that that I think that I actually got a couple months ago from the dollar store across the street. Anyway, as we got closer to the time for coffee to begin they still hadn't been any treats developed there was a rumor one of the ladies who usually brings banana bread or something cooked in her kitchen was bringing fresh banana bread to the meeting or the function and it was probably 15-20 minutes into the function when she showed up or at least a loaf of banana bread showed up. It was warm it was good it was all right. But it had that weird texture you know when you don't cook something enough how it's sort of done on the outside does he get into it's all doughy this banana bread was majorly doughy. I certainly had a couple pieces though things were tough. I do think the people who did show up were basically pleased with what they got since socialization is what's important and not necessarily the treats not that I necessarily believe that. I must confess I'm all about the treats and I would love to have Donuts every week where that possible. Diannne has Donuts every week at her function in Arizona . They have a major coffee and donut social every Thursday which sounds definitely good. But as in all things be thankful for what you get cuz it always could be worse. 

I finished the latest Stephen King offering last night. Took me longer to read than I anticipated but now it's out of the way I put the cover back on and put the cover on Holly and took him up to the library and dropped them off up there. I don't know how much Stephen King is read by this group there's a couple of novels up there that I didn't put up there so somebody's reading the great king. Anyway I hope they appreciate volumes in the big hey thank you goes out to my buddy Dennis who sent me the volumes out of the goodness of his heart really doesn't get better than that. Now I'm free to read the two books that I sent for a couple weeks ago and I'm kind of excited today for a short while I sat outside in the shade in the Sun and read a couple pages of the Paul Oster book The Brooklyn Follies. Only read the first chapter but it seemed entertaining enough and if I give it time she'll be even better by the time I get into it. It's not a lot of pages but between that and the the volume from the guy from the Middle East Simon Rusty or whatever his name is I should be all set for the autumn.

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