Thursday, June 06, 2024

Thursday's thoughts

 I rode the bus today, not very far mind you just up to the movies but that was good enough. Got me out of the apartment complex gave me something to Grouse about as far as the movie went and allowed me to wander through some stores looking for things that might soup up my living situation. I found some items that might work a couple of Marvel items that could be put on the door be colorful and full of The Avengers. I really didn't have any way to carry anything so I was just basically hunting for Stuff. I even looked at clothes! I'm still afraid to buy anything for fear I'm going to get a size too small. That's why I need a good mother figure or wife figure who can go to the distance and handle my childish Behavior while shopping. Really need somebody who knows how to get things done. Then of course I need someone to carry the stuff home well I suppose I could but that's still a bit of a challenge I would hate to destroy something that I thought would be good enough to wear.

The rebuild of the park next door continues to be Havoc in his destruction. They've been working on the skateboard park the past 2 days I mean they're literally tearing the thing out all the concrete that was there. I understand they're going to rebuild another skateboard park on the other side of the main Park in general which is okay by me this will keep the kids who violate the late night ban on skateboarding out of my hair or trying to sleep. Oddly however I did wake at some point in time during the night too I think voices over on the pile of rubble that used to be the skateboard park. Supposedly there's going to be a road or driveway incorporated into this building scheme I still can't visualize it, myself. Jennifer has told me about it as well as a couple other individuals. I don't quite know how this is going to work as long as it doesn't bother my back gate and bus stop. I do enjoy being able to access the bus stop through the back gate I think it would be just a drag if they were to take that away. Of interest to note tonight as I was outside reading after dinner someone approached me and asked if I had gone to the hospital or something today because the fire engines showed up. I was curious to why they would think that just because the fire engine showed up I had something to do with me. I was pleased to advise the person that asked that I was at the movies of the time of the fire visit and someone else must have had an issue or something that brought the fire department out. Thank goodness it wasn't me.

The clouds have come in this evening giving the evening a feeling of possible storms. According to the latest weather guy he doesn't foresee any storm tonight. I could get off in a good electric storm that would be so cool. The clouds are thick and they will certainly keep the heat locked in overnight but I would really be surprised if any electricity seeped out or thunder crashed somewhere…

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