Sunday, June 09, 2024

Solid Sunday

 I did not sleep well. I was too worried because somehow I unplugged that plug in the back that operates the foot box which moves the football up and down. So when I went to bed I knew that the foot box did not work and I could not elevate it as I usually do to make kind of a foot trap so that what I transfer my feet will be stationary won't move at least not very much. The foot boxes are the fairly decent level but still I was really worried about the feet slipping off and another visit from the fire department. I woke up around 3:00 a.m. and I had to pee which I did but never really got back to sleep I ended up dozing until 6ish then getting up and oddly I did a good transfer and was able to maintain my feet on the foot box it was challenging but it worked enough for I could tell the chair back and get myself situated. I tried to get a hold of Melissa so she could get or tell me where the problem was so if I when I talk to Mark Anthony that I would be able to explain the problem that didn't work she wasn't feeling well today and was not answering her text. Long story short however that I don't remember if it was Mark or if it was Jackson but they found the unplugged item plugged in and the put boxes been working ever since. I still need to get that information down maybe get Melissa to take a picture so that I'll be able to talk somebody else through the process since I don't think I can do it myself. I pretty much spent the rest of the day at home once we finished the breakfast. I was fairly invested in trying to read as much as I could today.. the day was off and on overcast with some wind. It did get warm when the clouds went away but I pretty much stayed in the shade reading and dozing. I had a fairly decent lunch or dinner made but I just never got around to eating it spending some time drinking water and eating a few nuts in between. Like I said I had a bean burrito tortilla folded in half with beans and cheese ready to go, I still have the hot dogs and I have bread and lunch meat so I have stuff I could have eaten but I chose not to. Last night before I went to bed I put in about four cans of items to the hooch that I make and try to eat a couple spoonfuls everyday the big individuals in that concoction are the peppers sliced peppers and the tomatoes. I'm having a hard time right now really fully enjoying the concoction because I don't have a tooth to grind so I have to macerate everything with my front teeth and then whether I have a cavity or whatever on that back side that's painful when choose and stuff get on it on that area. I even fried up package of sausage and use the last of the white eggs that I bought a few weeks ago maybe monthly one now. I put them in a bowl to have during the morning if I needed it I didn't I waited till we went to breakfast and that was that. Watched a little Netflix in the afternoon and that's too tired to do anything else did a couple puzzles and now I've got to get ready for bed that was a solid Sunday..

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