Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Mystery car

I must confess I was not too broken hearted yesterday when Andreas my friend at assist Incorporated called to advise me that there would be no meeting this morning so I would not have to go into the city for my meeting with the group. It's the end of the fiscal year so that means we don't have any money left over to Graqnt people for home repairs so there's no reason for us to get together to go over applications it'll be like this until later in July when the new year starts. It feels like a mini vacation actually especially if you don't have anything else going on in the day. However, I almost forgot it, but I did have something else going on which was a board meeting, Advisory Board meeting, for one of the private nonprofits that I'm a board member of. Luckily, they had a zoom tie-in so I didn't even have to leave my apartment. I got to thinking afterwards that they may have had an in-person option at the huffmeier building but I didn't know anything about. Cuz they went on and on about how next meeting will have which will be in the fall is going to be in Logan, Utah where their main offices at and that meeting I might attend because a group of us might take a van up from Utah Center for assistive technology. That vehicle has a wheelchair lift and would be a fun trip to go up there with rest of the crew.

I spent an hour or so in the afternoon out in the back reading and trying to read my Stephen King. I don't know I might be reading too much Stephen King these days I'll have to do a reality check soon. In the back parking lot there is a Subaru wagon parts back there it's been there for a number of years. It's packed full of boxes and junk that you would have left over after you were stuffing things in cars when you're trying to move out of some place. Theoretically this place has a rule that you can't leave cars that are derelict in the back. This car is definitely derelict if you ask me. The tires aren't flat but they're getting real close and the only good thing about the car being where it's at is that it allows me to lean up against it in my power chair allowing me to better read from the book I'm reading at any given time. Well, I really haven't paid much attention to this vehicle except the convenience of having something to lean against in the sunshine so I can be warm while reading. And yesterday was the first time I had actually read as the heat of the day really did warm up things around here and it may be my imagination I'm not sure but it seemed like I smelled something weird, something dead. You know that dead smell like a dead cat or something else dead there's no other older like that really. The smell was not too heavy it was almost just I thought but I begin to wonder how weird it would be if for some reason the smell got worse. I I never thought about stuff in the body inside a vehicle then crammed the vehicle full of stuff from a house or something and then just leave in the parking lot like ours. Who knows how long it would take before somebody actually took notice and went through the vehicle. I'm sure it's nothing at all but I'm not going to bring it up to anybody in any power situation that's for sure one of the short stories I just read from the Stephen King book I have is about a guy who reported something just like this and then was accused that he was the person that did it. Not that that would really happen but I have been involved in one fatality type situation and the cops look at everybody fish-eyed who has anything to do with the person who is deceased. It truly is an uncomfortable feeling…

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