Monday, June 10, 2024


 I've written about this problem a couple times already in this blog and I'm sure I'll be riding even more as things wander into the future. Anyway as you know I have this horrible problem of dropping my glasses forgetting that I dropped them then at some point rolling over them in many cases totally destroying them so it's imperative that I always have some form of backup glasses that I can use until I can get either the glasses repaired which is the best option or worst case scenario have to order a whole new pair and of course they won't let you just use your lenses and put them in a new set of frames they force you to get a whole new eye exam then plus the frames. I kind of think it's a bit of a scam. However that still doesn't excuse my irresponsible Behavior which is I got a limit to take care of my glasses at all costs.

The last pair of glasses I got and these are currently my favorite pair of glasses, I got through this Christian benefit Glasses program that somehow came into our building and I just happened to be wondering past the door on the day that they were doing exams and such. Of course, these glasses aren't highfalutin real pretty frames and such they're basically real Workhorse glasses- really the kind that I need. Well I took the exam and then ordered a pair of glasses which is at at least half the cost of the real optometrists that are out there. Of course this program is aimed at seniors and low income populations- - and that's okay by me I know who I am and I know where I am and I know what I do and I know how much I have and low cost glasses is good enough for me. Well, of course couple weeks pass and I get the new glasses and they're really quite great actually I don't mind them at all I think they look good feel good and I don't have any scratches right in front of my pupil well not really I have a couple already because I think I rolled over them once then another time which really caused the problem. So the past couple weeks I've been using my old pair of glasses quit your pretty well hammered at least the lenses are but I can get by with them. I want or I wanted to get this new pair repaired. The problem I've ran into is that wherever I go they see the Damage Done to the frames and say they either can't repair it or they would have to attack the frames in such a way that they might break the frames and then would be liable to replace the frames. I've told these folks that I will sign the paper releasing them from liability if they were just trying to bend the frames into some form of suitability. The frames are so bent they wouldn't even house the lenses when a screw was put in place at least it screwed the frame together. This morning however I got to Walmart early enough that there's only one person working at the optometrist and I think she took pity on me. She was able to get the lenses to stay in the frames after she put the screw back in the frames and locked everything up she didn't even attempt to adjust the temples and they're way out of whack. I don't know if he can tell from the image but they barely stay on my face. It's amazing to me how many people don't even pay attention to the Wackadoo glasses I have and I'm wearing. I may just have to order another set of glasses and just grow up and be careful I would still like to get this Frame repaired at least bent back into shape if I can find somebody who's just willing enough to take the risk to bend the frames back into compliance…

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