Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ape day Tuesday

 It's happened again I've missed another appointment because I

forgot! I'm not sure what's happening to me but it can't be very good. This appointment was one made just a couple days ago for that last suture in my mouth from the extraction a couple weeks ago and I had the sutures removed about a week ago I supposedly and they missed one. I was also called this morning luckily by the doctor's office indicating that I had a appointment next week sometime I'm pretty sure that's the way it went it could be in July I'll have to give them a call again to make sure. I'm just missing appointments right and left and I'm even writing him down on my journal in my calendar on my tablet which also copies to my handheld. I'm trying not to panic. Well I'm a long ways from panicking but still I'm a bit concerned.

I didn't have a meeting this morning as I usually do on Tuesdays when we have appointments to review but cuz it's the end of the fiscal year we're out of money so my meetings become almost non-existent until July when more money is released and the whole thing starts over again. I was kind of excited to do another movie and so I checked and found it was a movie around 11:30 a.m. and I caught the bus up to the movie place and got myself checked in. Today's movie was a little bit of a surprise as always. I went just because I have the ability to go and it was the latest Planet of the Apes offering. It wasn't too bad actually and it certainly left itself open for a sequel. I didn't think I would even consider a sequel but now I'm little intrigued about what the next movie would be about. The movie was pretty well done for a piece of silly movie stuff as this was. It didn't look too cheap and it didn't look too chintzy or immature. Look like whoever did the movie really knew what they were doing and that sure looks like it would have been a complicated movie to produce and all what they had to do especially with all the different monkeys slash Apes they had to contend with. I just don't know what kind of budget they must deal with and where they get their money for something as silly as a movie about Planet of the Apes. But it got me out of the apartments on the bus for a Tuesday afternoon. Of course basically came straight home following the movie as far as as I can with the bus system. I didn't have to wait long for the 217 I never do because they're on 15 minute headways. I did want to get back as soon as I could because I needed to still do my 60 minutes. I of course got those in a little bit late started with Marketplace and ended with the New York Times piece. I made myself a salad for dinner I don't know why I sort of been craving cucumber salad from some images that I've seen on the internet lately. I picked up cucumbers the other day as well as some green peppers and a green onion pack batch or whatever so I had the basics down I've had a couple of bottles of Italian dressing in the refrigerator never open for a couple years now so I finally opened up one of those to mix with the salad follow that with sloppy joe which made a fairly decent dinner. Which as produced some very nice burps and I enjoyed a Netflix movie. Not bad for a Tuesday really…

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