Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday movies

 I'm really beginning to worry myself, I know I always say that but it's true, today I went to the movies using my $20 pass for all the movies I can watch at the theater. And I can't remember the movie that I saw I mean I remember the name it was called treasure but trying to remember what the movie was about or even scenes from the movie at first glance trying to think about it I get nothing I don't remember what I watched. I kind of sort of and perhaps if I think about it long enough maybe it'll come or if I were to read a review or something like that that might trigger the memories but just sitting here trying to write about and or tell somebody else about what the movie was about I don't think I could do it. I don't know if that could be considered a form of aging/dementia that's really kind of frustrating. Luckily I can go and watch the movie again if I want to but there's too many other movies to watch to worry about that it's just odd that I can't even bring a particular scene or character to the fourth front of my memory to write about. I know I read about it written about it before but it's so strange being the only person in the theater watching this movie. At one point in time there was another person up in the back or hurt him running rattling around and even talking at one point in time it was kind of weird but when the movie was over and I was getting ready to leave I looked around and there was nobody else in there except me that's strange. Even if it's a small theater and they are relatively small Nook type of theaters do you think they wouldn't show a movie for just one 1person but they did today certainly makes me feel kind of special. Feeling so inadequate I actually went to the internet and looked up the movie and now I remember. I was kind of surprised how good a movie it is. It's kind of a estranged father daughter type movie but pretty intense since it deals with Holocaust Survivor and his daughter who is a journalist trying to find out more about who her family was that were murdered in the Holocaust. It's kind of a sleeper movie I hadn't heard much of it and it was in the back of all the other movies listed at the website of the movie house I went to. But I'd have to say it was pretty good all things considered.

My two books came today that I ordered last week. This will probably take me through to the rest of the year actually unless I really get into it and read them quickly but I don't think so. One was a NPR pick that I heard the review on Brooklyn Tails or Brooklyn stories or something like that and that should be pretty quick reading but the other one is a book by Solomon Rusty I know that's not right but you get the idea he writes about Middle Eastern things. It looks intense 500 so pages but it's small print and I think I just might enjoy it if I can get through it. It's a little intimidating I think it's real literature. The movie I went to on Sunday, yesterday was written by him and it was pretty dark and intense. The Watchers was the movie and like I said pretty intense…

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