Friday, June 21, 2024

Like a grown up

 It's Friday that means the movies have changed, you know the new movies that are going to start, but I don't know if I burnt out on movies for the week or just felt it I might need to be more responsible and go out and get the credit card that I didn't get last week and I got my mini lot debit card- - you know the one you can control the balance on or how much is on there in case you lose it the person cannot charge more than what's on the basis of it? It's pretty good idea I guess it doesn't give you the option to spend a lot more money than you want to but it covers you for what the money that you have in your card balance that's pretty cool so if you have the regular debit card plus the control debit card plus your credit card you should be dynamite and okay.

Of course it's been a number of days actually months since it's rained in Salt Lake. And wouldn't you know today was the day that there was Major precipitation not all day mind you of course not that would be way too civilized just at the time when I leave the bank to go catch the bus and have to stay at the bus stop for some time that I get kind of saturated are soaked kind of by this wandering downburst. I could have gotten soaked to the bone but luckily I was able to find a bus stop with an overhang just enough to basically protect me from the major summer storm downpour which included hail. I did not get the quarter size hail that showed what's shown in the 5:00 news but it was significant enough that I didn't want to be out in it. Sooner than later the storm passed and I could go on my way to the market and then home. I really didn't need anything from the market I just wanted to try out the new limited debit card and to see how well that it worked that worked very well. Now I just need to pull out my debit card at the apartment in store it sell her safe and then just keep loading the limited card when I go out I should do the same with the credit card but that just makes me feel secure. I'm a little paranoid now about people getting into my account. I'll let them talk me into this weird alert system that tells me every time that I've done a withdrawal of one sort or another it's all very confusing in a little bit frightening. I've said it to go off every time I get a dollar below a certain amount and then start sending me all kinds of weird email or notices. I may have to rethink this particular move because it just causes me too much stress but at the same time I need to be responsible enough to keep an eye on my account without having to go into it every single day but maybe that's what you have to do when you become a grown up…

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