Thursday, June 27, 2024

Coffee socialization

It's Coffee Day or coffee social and I was determined that we would have better treats for coffee today than last week. I was more than willing last week to go over to the market and pick up some cookies or sweets of some sort but nobody could get it together enough to feel there is a need to always thinking someone else is going to bring the treats. The treats last week ended up being a warm banana bread that was so rushed that the inside of it was still more or less Raw. I liked it just because I like banana bread regardless I mean I'd eat banana bread dough as far as that went. But today I didn't want to have any problems with treats so after getting up and dressed I headed out to the market early. I had to do this to be back by 9:30 for the start of the coffee social. I wasn't sure what to get but I cruised the store anyway eventually found my way to the back of the store where they keep the basket of quick sale products and most of us Bakery stuff. I got some pastries and called it good so less than five bucks so no big deal.

Today's social was lightly attended luckily there was a few other treats brought in besides my day old Bakery reject. There's just a few of us like I said maybe six altogether. Cordial conversations in general camaraderie prevailed. It was a good experience but I was glad when it was done. I really didn't have a whole lot going on today so it didn't really matter but still I was ready to be out of there when we figured there's nothing else to talk about. I wandered back to the apartment and pretty much worked on my kid letters for the rest of the day finally got them all done by about 9:30 tonight and took them down to the mailbox to be picked up in the morning. No I'm just hoping that the letters will get to the kids before the 4th of July since they're all pretty much 4th of July wishes. I spent the evening hanging around the TV watching a little bit of quantomania and then or before watching the presidential debate for as long as I could stand it it really was pathetic it really was just a pathetic shouting match not even shouting just bad talking to each other. And Biden's defense he tried to keep it civilized I think but Trump was just so outlandish I couldn't believe it. I could not believe the things that came out of that person's mouth. He's so mean and virtualic I don't see how anyone could vote for this person yet at the same time I have a strong suspicion that he will be elected come the day after election day. As you can no doubt till I'm pretty tired tonight and I'm just at 500 Words so I think I'll call it good and hopefully have something better to write about tomorrow and two old guys babbling it out on National Television

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