Sunday, June 30, 2024

Jettison June

Sunday the last day of June, the summer feels like it's a third over even though it still is just beginning at least I'd like to believe that. The day was hot which of course I enjoyed. Breakfast with Mark and the kids was fine but it seemed like everyone was interested in getting on with the Sunday so we didn't really stick around a long time after breakfast and communicate. I thought about going to a movie but just couldn't see myself sitting through a movie today for some reason. I was right there it would have been easy I may have had to wait for a while but I just didn't feel up to a movie ended up going back to the apartment and reading for a good part of the day. Well I read part of the day that I watched a couple Captain America movies for some reason I was in a Captain America mood today. I ordered a package of zipperpulls, I came across yesterday on Amazon. 20 of them but seems like quite a bit they could hold me for quite a while. The only drawback is there only four inches which at the time seemed large enough and probably is I'll just have to attach one to some shorts and see how well they work. It was less than $6 and the fact that I ordered them yesterday kind of blows me away. I almost want to order this text size larger for 20 more. Actually, I spent the main part of the day trying to focus on not pooping until tomorrow. My home health person Melissa, I knew was going to be out camping today with her family and I just didn't want to test or temp fate and have to sit in my own poop for extended period of time. I'm sure I could get Mark Anthony to assist me if I needed to he has in the past but just is so damn awkward. It's late now bedtime and I made it through the day again not that I would have done anything differently, I don't think I just thought it was best to stay close to the apartment today hydrate and just focus.

Tomorrow is the 1st of July- June is done I really hate to say goodbye to the month I think it's become one of my favorite months of the year mainly because summer comes during that month and the weather really begins to warm up. Everything feels fresh my Tan Lines deepen and I really enjoy being outside. July 1st always have a special time for my family because of my Canadian mother. We didn't do a lot for dominion day which is similar to the 4th of July in the USA But Canada it's dominion day on the 1st. July is the middle of the summer sandwich. Between the 1st and the last month of the season you can get a lot done in July and enjoy a lot in July. Summer's not new at that point and you think you can get something done in Utah we have two holidays which are majors and all the time in between. Even even though the days or hours of daylight are beginning to lesson it's not really evident at this point during the month I think by the end of July I'm noticing that it's darker longer in the mornings and maybe even the evening darkness comes quicker it seems. I have to develop a July day page for my journal but I won't do that till tomorrow. Lots to do tomorrow pay the rent, figure out what's going on with a software company that I may or not be part of and just get on with doing July stuff for the month. I have a dentist appointment this week on the 3rd and hopefully by mouth won't be too messed up for the holiday it shouldn't be maybe I'll be able to enjoy some laughing gas ...

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