Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Thank goodness the heat return today. It's almost 97° and it's 10:00 at night I don't know how accurate that is but it's close I just came in a few minutes ago and it's still pretty warm outside it would be one of those nights where, if you're a teenager, you could be out forever all night long doing whatever teenagers do after Dark. Or if it was like 50 some odd years ago I would be in the second hour of the Saturday night dance weather at the chapel or over at MIA Glen an outdoor recreation spot owned by our church that had a concrete base and was the place for Saturday night Dances all through the summer. It was a perfect place for a night like this. However as it is I'm here at the apartment complex it's gotten too dark to read outside and I've gotten too sleepy because I've got to get up early in the morning to take the bus over to the restaurant to meet the kids I plan to turn in a little bit earlier than usual.

I wis1h I could say I passed a much more productive day but I did not. I should have washed dishes cleaned up the kitchen slept the kitchen floor straightened out the kitchen table but I did not do any of that in I elected to go to a movie after I gotten dressed and decided not to go to the coffee shop because my coffee partner had something else to do today. So I got the bus went up to the theater house for 11:50 showing of a weird movie I don't even remember the name of something about silence. It was okay barely science fiction maybe science boredom to a certain degree. More forceful aggressive from outer space who somehow focused it on the noise of the beings of this planet. Like I said the movie didn't really make a much sense didn't explain itself at all but I was able to put it in my quiver of experiences for the weekend that I can pull out if I need to defend myself as far as being a social Beast. If I need a justification I would have said that my butt hurt and I needed to be able to recline in my chair and to do so over at extended period of time a movie was the perfect solution. I don't know how much water that holds but allowed me to justify my time at the theaters today. I bought one small bag of popcorn for 10 bucks and forgot any water or juice or soda. I actually called Diane to check in to see if she was okay to make sure she was all right. It's extremely hot in Arizona this time of year but she's getting along okay. It's a dry heat and that actually helps her a lot I think well she does seem to be having lots of hay fever symptoms or allergies. For dinner tonight I had the leftovers from the restaurant of Chinese yesterday. I chose not to heat it up and pretty much ate the rest of the chow mein and save the fried rice for tomorrow if I feel I need to eat tomorrow following a breakfast which will be no doubt large there at the restaurant

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