Tuesday, June 11, 2024


I cannot believe it once again that my evening get away from me and left the important things to the last minute. That's getting ready for bed and I realized that I hadn't yet posted so here it goes almost 11:00 p.m. and I'm doing my blog. I'm getting worried about the cell inspection coming up this Thursday. I really haven't done much to really spruce up by apartment seems like a lost cause. I'd like to have a cleaner place but it's just so difficult trying to do that in the place you can't reach anything cuz you're in the power chair. There are things that could be doing though to make it look a little better there's no question about it I soaked a rag today threw it in the refrigerators to soak where I drip a lot of the concoction when I lean over to sip a spoonful of items it's made an ugly mess of dried tomato light juice and vegetables that is escaped the spoon. That should come off pretty easy tomorrow and I'll just have to be careful until after inspection day he's a late night late night host of other stuff though that I can't even begin to consider one of them is the piles of stuff over by my work desk and one might even be the power strip I have next to my bed with almost all the connections plugged in I'm sure that might get me a write-up who knows? I should have taken this much more seriously hopefully I'll get a warning and maybe the time limit to her I can catch up.

I got a letter from my granddaughter Brisa yesterday when I checked my mailbox. Because I was so rarely get real mail in my mailbox I really check it like once a week or when I'm in the vicinity of the mail room. So I don't know how long that letter has been in there she wrote it on the 3rd of June so it's been a while. It's a great letter, a cute letter, she worked really hard riding this letter. She talked about trying to find something to read that I've read and somehow I got mixed up with her other grandfather that my ex-wife married his name is Don and was a real cowboy guy- - or a cowboy wannabe so of course so he read a lot of Western type novels I'm sure Zane Gray or Louis Lamar real cowboy stuff which I'd never be caught dead reading. Who knows maybe I should expand my reading materials maybe wouldn't hurt. I am almost done with this current Stephen King. I just don't know if I'm ready for that yet. Was at the library I saw some interesting women's lit that I thought might be kind of entertaining I can't remember the name right now I have it written down somewhere. She's been on NPR and I almost caught the interview with her the morning show on CBS a general called vacation reading that women can read at the beach it's quite good or at least entertaining Goods of value judgment. Anyway I know this is short and it probably isn't 500 words but that was about my day and the concerns I have

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