Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Spring ends

 Tomorrow is summer solstice I really wasn't going to write about the solstice until tomorrow but for some reason it seemed more applicable today. No specific reason except that finally the cold front that's been hovering over this area has finally began to move out and tomorrow we should be blessed with temperatures back in the 90s what I consider summer Worthy. Today was kind of warm, could have been warmer of course but it was warm enough to believe the promise of the weather forecaster that tomorrow would begin the hot days of the summer with a possible hundred degrees day in the coming week. That's fine with me. I didn't do anything today like go to the movies which I kind of sort of planned on but I ended up having to go to the dentist office at 1:00 to try to fix a problem that has already been fixed I think sometime during the night. Remember recently I got the sutures in my mouth when they extracted that tooth and when they remove the stitches he left one in inadvertently and the Wayward Stitch had been driving me crazy and I scheduled to have it removed oddly enough when I woke this morning that string or whatever it was was gone I felt a little bit of a nothing before I thought that it had been at one time but that was all I feel a little foolish yet I still wanted to be sure that everything was okay with the healing process. So my day was bisected I really didn't feel like I could do much until I got done with the dentist. Of course there's also the issue that today is wash day and Melissa did take the wash down and start it before she left. I went down a bit later and fed the machine more quarters to dry for the second time. That was a little bit taken back but I got a knock on the door later on and it was a friend of mine who speaks very little English but she lives here she's quite older but she's taking a notion to pull my clothes out of the dryer when they're done and bring him down to me. I don't know if it's cuz she's being nice or if she's somewhat pissed off because I left the clothes in the dryer as long as I did. When this has happened before that might be the case but today I was keeping an eye on the whole thing that was kind of surprised when she brought the wash clothes back. She didn't seem too upset just more upset that my hook wasn't with the clothes as is usually the case. I didn't take the hook with me this day because I hadn't been down yet and Melissa didn't take the hook either she doesn't need a hook. Anyway, I had to close back and it was getting close to time for the dentist except for I noticed that once again someone had broken into my account and charged Uber expenses on my card my credit card! So I'm getting used to having to close out my accounts every week these days. Fortunately however I thought they had turned off my other card as well my debit card and found that it was still operational so a new credit card is being sent to me and I still have a working debit card. I had a young woman named Anna from the Credit Union supports unit talk me through a way to fix my account somehow she did a pretty good job except I was more worried about missing my appointment than I was listening to what she said but I should be okay hopefully and I'm still getting the other card that allows me to dump money into the card and they can't do anything after they run out of money from the card I don't know if that made sense but call me if you need to explain.

The dental experience was okay nothing was really done. The piece was gone from the inside of my mouth the suture that was hanging out but there's a little bit left and the good doctor finally told me that he could pull it out but he didn't want to cause me any pain in that we could leave it alone and it would just dissolve on its own over time which is okay with me I just wanted to be sure that everything was okay and I could leave it alone and it would take care of itself which I'm sure that it will. As happy as a clam yes I rolled out of the office no pain but lots of gain and somehow that's as good as it gets….

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