Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sloppy joe Saturday

 It's late Saturday night and I just don't know how much energy I have to do a whole blog but I'm going to give it a shot maybe just nothing better journal entry but I'll see if I can get 500 words out of whatever I can come up with. I get so irritated at the owner of the little coffee shop that I frequent across the street I think it's called Twin Peaks or coffee Peaks or something like that. It's a nice little joint I like the atmosphere I'm not too jacked on a lot of the patrons however there are a lot of trump fans. I got to be careful when I'm around them but it's at least some place to go and get a coffee unless it's on a Sunday or a national holiday or even just a weird holiday like Father's Day. Luckily I found out earlier this week that he was going to close the shop on Saturday and that's the day that my buddy upstairs and me go to coffee on Saturday morning. She never really even buys coffee just me but it's been a nice Retreat for us over the last couple months. But father's day? And Father's Day is on Sunday and they closed anyway but I guess he gave his employees a holiday- - at my expense. At least now I'm getting a little bit savvy on days that he will be closed and that's better than showing up thinking you're going to have coffee and some social time and find the place all boarded up close to everybody. The bright side is however that gives me two or more hours out of my weekend or for my weekend. I wish I could say that I use those hours effectively today but I just pretty much hung around the apartment except for a quick Dash across the street for some shopping I was only going to get two or three things and once again came away with much more than I anticipated. I did get the frozen burritos and chimichangas which my home health person likes to Chomp down on. I like to keep my employees happy.

I cooked tonight and you know what that means that means my kitchen is a disaster area. Earlier this week remember I got those hamburgers patties thawed out so I picked up a bag of buns had to Burgers and then stored the rest of them. Kind of promised myself that I would make some sloppy joe and put them on the Buns so they wouldn't go bad and I would have food for Sunday as well as a good part of the rest of the week. I still had an onion that I needed to use really quickly as well as the green pepper that I bought yesterday for the sole purpose the sloppy joe. I finally got on the project around 7:00 p.m. tonight. I put on one of the Marvels so I'd have it going on the background so it didn't feel like I was missing anything. I used a can of ground beef already cooked. I get it from the food bank giveaway stuff on the countertop that is a place for people who don't want what they get in their food boxes and I collect all the cans of ground beef as well as regular beef and whatever else I can get away with. It's not the best tasting stuff in the world but it's there I don't have to thaw it out and I can use it for anything from sloppy joes to spaghetti and anything in between and since I'm the only one that eats it what the hell works for me. I didn't eat one tonight though I put six of them away in the refrigerator so I'm cool and I'm tired so everyone I hope you had a great week or tomorrow…

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