Saturday, June 08, 2024

The Thousand Penny Escape!

 I'm really tired this evening I settled at the night get away from me did some cooking and spent some time visiting with Diane and took the time I usually used to produce this blog. So if I don't hit the 500 word Mark please forgive but that's okay. Was a nice day nice Heat not as many clouds as I would have liked and I would have liked a thunderstorm but I'm just glad it was a hot day and I was able to get out and do a few things. I made it to the market picked up a few items on my list especially one that I've been forgetting for the whole week and that was my baclofen. I was almost out of my regular bottle I have a couple days of supplies in my emergency drug supply list. But I hate to get into that if I don't have to so today I made a point to make it over to the market and refill my baclofen prescription.

What I thought was very interesting was that before I went to the market I pulled some dollars out of my book/ money box where I like to cash a few hundred and keep in 20s and tens that I can pull from what I need to give money to a friend or who might need it for gas or whatever or for a tip for my home health person or just to be able to go out and spend and not have to use the credit card. I'm really trying to underutilize the credit card just so I'm not paying extra money for my money if that makes any sense. I don't know if I'm listening to money market too much our Marketplace about paying extra money for your money when you use credit but it's probably a good idea plus it limits myself. I started carrying my bank card with me as opposed to the credit card but I do have it in case I need it and haven't been able to keep my credit line nearly at zero and I could go to zero if I really wanted to but I always keep a little balance on there I don't know why it just seems the thing to do. But what was on today was that before I left the house / apartment I grabbed a 10 out of the money box and I noticed that when I slipped it in my wallet I already had a 20 in there from last night and that's cool. Anyway I figured I'd have more than enough to do what I needed to do at the market. While I was checking out going through checkout I mean all the sudden I felt the tap on my shoulder and it was this old guy had a $10 bill fresh and crisp giving it to me saying I dropped this. And I said well I don't think that I did and I didn't think that I did but he said no I watched it I watched you drop this this is your $10 so rather than make a big fuss there in the checkout line I grabbed the $10 and I thought I put it in my wallet and went through paid my stuff and started coming home I passed this fast food joint Arctic Circle and I thought well I will go ahead and just get some fried mushrooms and whatever else but when I got to the order looked at my wallet I only had a $5 bill somewhere along the line I lost the 10 spot that's okay because I was sort of obnoxious and I guess I deserve that lesson. Perhaps the biggest lesson of all is that hopefully just hopefully that $10 bill went to someone who could really use it. I hope it went to some old guy or some individual who really needed $10 in their life today. I know I've been that person and I've received that miracle and it certainly been appreciated. It seemed odd because no matter what I did there for a while after I had gotten the $10 bill from the senior who was trying to tell me that I dropped it was the dollar bill had a life of its own and it was trying to jump out of my wallet out of my black bag and up to Freedom somewhere or maybe at new I had a date with a person poorer than I who really needed a thousand pennies to make it through the weekend…

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