Thursday, July 04, 2024

Bang Bang

 It's 1038 PM and it's still a riot of noise outside my window. If I was in one of the many nations that are at war right now I would feel that we were at war with all the noise coming through the window period however, Monday and as it might be, is the last of the fireworks presentation for the fourth of July here in Utah and more specifically Salt Lake county. actually I was going to Refrain from going out and trying to watch the fireworks but I crushed at the last moment what I noticed that for the first time like it actually see fireworks from my room period the way that they destroyed the park next door or across the way allowed us to See more fireworks before and figured I'd better go out and see if I can see some more period. The fireworks are allowed and noisy and I watched for a little bit then decided to come back and to the apartment do my blog fill out my journal and go to bed. But I can't help but explosions continue and they will for some time even though they're supposed to be done by 11 o'clock period who knows period dear reader Try not to be weirded out by the periods that I keep inserting at the end of the sentence I mean the word period I don't know what I've done dries be crazy But my goal now is just to get this document out and on to the tablet period

Last Sunday at breakfast I mentioned that I would probably not be doing anything for fourth of July periods and once Jasmine and Mark will indicated that they would do a fourth July here at the apartment period I kind of forgot about it until Jasmine Mark started lighting up the Internet on what they were going to ddo at today's barbecue. I had just finished making a heck of a breakfast and when visiting with Mark he indicated that they could change the time if I thought I was going to be too full at lunch time then maybe we could do it later on at 4:00 and I decided sure why not? Now I had to figure out how to clean up the unit a little bit so I didn't look so desperate. So I cleaned up the dishes a little bit made fresh coffee empty garbage cans and scrub the toilet out. The place didn't look too bad by the time I gotten finished. I should have swept the floor at least in the kitchen but I really didn't get around that and Jackson took care of that when he got here anyway he does such a good job. They brought everything but potato chips and that's okay I probably don't need those anyway. Marcus making hamburger patties and we are both out by the apartment barbecue which is really quite a good one. Mark makes a good size hamburgers I help cut up some of the tomatoes to put on the hamburgers as well as the lettuce. We took everything out to the patio turned on barbecue and soon we were busy making a late lunch early dinner. We had everything we needed pickles mustard ketchup you know. We even had watermelon. The barbecue was a great event I appreciate the kids coming together to make sure I had some kind of a 4th of july. Picnic/ cookout or I could be sort of like normal people out there. We are sad to a certain degree or I was sad. I wish I'd been able to contribute more to the overall barbecue. The major fireworks has stopped now the noise that's coming in through the window now is just the regular fireworks that the Joe Blow and the neighbors have probably illegal but noisy just the same that's what everybody wants. I worked out today for an hour so I'm all caught up but I'm tired now look forward to letting the sounds 1 explosions all me off to sleep…

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