Sunday, July 07, 2024

Footbox Success!

 Up front I would just like to warn the reader that this might be a quick posting because I didn't charge the tablet like I should have. Actually I thought I had it plugged in but I guess it wasn't plugged in enough and I was at zero charge a few minutes ago when I found this out when I was going to post earlier so I've let it charge a few minutes hopefully I'll have enough juice to get through the whole thing there isn't much to write about for a Sunday just because I sat around the television set most of the day watching movies which I totally enjoyed the experience and this was after having a pretty good breakfast with my son this morning we have some good discussions and enjoyed each other's company. My granddaughter wasn't there she and her boyfriend went to the parents cabin up in Park City area so it's just Mark and I but we had a good time it was good.

I do rather feel accomplished tonight just because all day I've been plagued with a foot box that wouldn't work the foot boxes that section of my chair at the bottom that house my feet when I go around and I have an all-electric chair of course and that foot box is part of it but there's something wrong with where the connections for the fit box and the main power source intermingle and something happens in they become they become separated of course when that happens I have a foot box that doesn't work which means my foot back maybe dragging on the ground with the foot box which is not good for anything are my foot box will be up too high and push my feet back on my body and actually pushes my butt into the chair which isn't very good either so I have to I have been getting somebody who's got some eyes and some good hands usually my home health person but Mark Anthony helps me out sometimes too or whoever I can get can eyeball something that I haven't been able to do. Melissa for instance is great at looking at it and then say oh you've got something unplugged here and she plugs it in the way we go. Mark didn't do anything it just started working again on its own once he touched it I think that's a really loose connection. Well tonight I actually took some time lit up the lamp by the big mirror and started poking around there by the what was the area that Mark said that he saw something and when he wiggled it the foot box started working again. I couldn't see anything I finally was getting a little frustrated and trying to get to my chair closer to the mirror so I can get a better shot lit up the lamp again so it's even closer and finally I saw something that looked like it could be a wire or a plug-in of some sort not as focused as that but still when I touched it and wiggled it a little bit then tried my the power box sure enough the foot box raised up and down and that's what I needed to do. I cannot tell you how much that made me feel accomplished just another thing I can do on my own and not have to either miss something because I can't take care of the problem or I don't have to ask somebody else to do it because I can actually take care of the problem and actually I probably would ask someone else to do it if they were here but the comforting issue is that I could do it on my own more or less. Now what I will do though is call my mechanic and see if he can drop by and we can fix that so it's not coming undone for one reason or the other just saying today I felt accomplished

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