Thursday, July 11, 2024

Got to go Joe

The most significant thing I did today was have lunch with my old buddy Dwayne from my working days. I've written about this guy before and it wasn't really a huge lunch just sandwiches from a local sandwich joint potato chips and some drinks I had Red Mountain Dew. Today's temperature was 106° and they've totally torn up our Park adjacent to the building so there is really nowhere to go and probably not wise to be out in the heat anymore than I already am. So we found a table in the common area it had a little Feast there. It was a good lunch talked a lot especially commiserated regarding the Trump ticket and have to resign ourselves to the fact that he is probably going to be the president again come November. We both agree that unless a miracle happens this will be the case and we do not know if the union will be able to survive such an event. Perhaps that sounds a little over dramatic but I don't think it really is when you consider all the wackos out there who will do and believe anything this full says(Trump). I still can not really believes this. Tonight the president had his speech and it wasn't quite as pathetic as the one last week but still it was kind of embarrassing as he took the questions from the reporters from the network and the newspapers. It's a line of desperation I don't quite understand for the guy. If it were me I'll be more than happy to to dump the job and get back to life. I can't figure why he's so adamant in staying in office or trying to win the office again. I think he made some glaring mistakes but the networks kind of cut him off right at 7:00 or it could be at 8:00 but they cut him off and went directly into regular programming and there was no follow-up no discussion of what was said or the feelings that any of these people had that's kind of weird. They usually just spend forever dissecting an address like this. Joe I think Doug is grave a little deeper tonight it really is kind of sad. He really is someone's grandparent. As you can tell I'm grasping at things to write about so I think I'm going to end this quite early tonight and not feel too guilty because if you go through my entries you'll see many times I went way over 500 Words so it all evens out in the end I suppose. 

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