Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Blog 072324- Tuesday

 I really apologize for the lightweight postings I've been making lately and this will be the same but I usually use my tablet to dictate these postings and my tablet seems to be full and I can't figure out how to strip away material so I can free up the drive I guess. I have a I think something like 16 GB chip in the tablet but I can't figure out how to move items from the internal drive to the external drive. It's got to be fairly simple but because the drive is totally full every time I start trying to dictate it closes down. So anyway, these postings are going to be a little bit lightweight. I'm using my cell phone to do the dictation now I don't know how long that's going to last. I even tried to go back to the computer and my dragon dictate program but there's something wrong with my headset microphone and it won't even listen to me now. I suppose the easiest solution would be just to go down and buy another tablet but I need to really learn how to move items around on this tablet.

I'm exhausted I didn't sleep as well as I would have liked to of course because I can't manipulate the head piece of the mattress. I think I woke up around 4:00 never really got back to sleep. I wanted to get something I can't remember what it was though it was up at Walmart I was going to give it a shot. So I jumped on the bus got off of 5400 South stopped at McDonald's enjoyed a egg McMuffin and that's what I ordered but it's not what I wanted. That's a little confused at the time and got a McMuffin as I wanted a biscuit but it was good and kept me going through the morning. I ended up getting another wash laundry basket. So this is going to be nice it won't have any broken handles like the other and the other one was just disintegrating. I made some good Headway on the novel I'm reading right now. I also spent a lot of the time of this day trying to get some progress on my bed. The guy that set up the appointment for 1:00 never showed up which is kind of a pain in the butt. I spent a lot of time on the phone this morning getting things done. Hope it works out to my advantage. I'm kind of surprised at how much I use the head elevation function of my mattress or slash bed to sleep on.

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