Friday, July 12, 2024

Hot hot!

I love the stating the obvious. It was 103° today in Salt Lake City and it's hot! That's a hot however that it bothered me to speak of. I quite enjoyed the day and what little time I was out in the elements. I did go to a movie this morning or this afternoon rather it was just in the '90s when I caught the bus to go south to the Regal Theater. I didn't mind sitting out on the sidewalk waiting for the bus with the back of my chair tilted down so I was close to a prone position. I should have had water with me but I just left the room or the apartment in a hurry not knowing for sure when the bus would be at the bus stop. Did have an emergency bottle stuck in the back of my chair that I wouldn't be able to get to unless I had someone else's help but it made me feel like I was being somewhat responsible. I lucked out and got pretty good drivers this morning. I sensed that they were all somewhat beaten down by the Heat even though the buses are quite refrigerated to say the least. I think just the constant heat stress bugs the drivers. You certainly don't want to piss him off at this point and do exactly what they say. I felt mine drivers both the first and the second were close to exploding on me but they really did well keeping his in check. Some of the other passengers didn't fare as well but that's not my problem.

I can never really tell when the movie is going to start it's a hard call even though the people starting the tickets can look it up it's never really quite exact so rather than get something to eat or drink or even go to the bathroom for that matter I just go to the movie and find my place and get squared away. I went to this movie I chose this movie just on the strength of the actor I call the dog face boy I can never remember his name hold on Nick Cage. I think I've liked everything I've seen him in perhaps with the exception of this movie. It was kind of crap and it was a terror movie about a serial killer and his victims. I was really disappointed in Nicholas Cage. He was the producer and whatever else a movie needs he probably did it as well as starring in the film. I will not be going to this one again and will be really careful to do any other Nicholas Cage movies. This was called long legs and was just playing weird. I almost rolled out on the movie but I just can't bring myself to do that so I stayed to the bloody end and it was very bloody. We got to go to at least two movies a month justify the 20 bucks I pay for the movie program I'm enrolled in. So the next two days I need to go to a couple more movies not many really good ones around right now I'll have to see what's on animation stuff I want to see that part two of some piece of Animation I can't remember what it is so I can watch that and I might be some other ones that might be worth watching. One of the reasons I even went to the movies was so I could go across the street to the big store Walmart and their food section and pick up a watermelon. I thought about getting one from my store across the street just down from my apartment complex but that would have cost me close to 8 or $12 for a watermelon! I know if I go to Costco or I think even Smith's I can pick one up for about five bucks a melon. I did buy a cantaloupe however we'll have to see how that goes. I actually left the cooling unit on this morning when I left for the movies I felt good when I got back

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