Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A partial fix


I've spent all day suffering in my backup chair with the hope that my power chair would be returned at some point in the day and I was overjoyed when mid-afternoon I was contacted by the repair shop indicating that my chair would be returned between 6:00 and 9:00 this afternoon or evening rather. They didn't use the word glitch but they said there was an issue that they're going to have to send for some parts to finish the repair. That's all they told me I'm not sure what the repair is and at this point I don't care as long as I get my chair back soon and tonight just probably the longest I want to wait. The problem is however even if I do get the chair back I still have to figure out a way to get in it. So I may have to wait until I can coax Melissa into coming over tonight which I doubt now or tomorrow sometime the transfer me into the other chair. I guess the worst case scenario I could sit through this chair another day and then on Friday the regular day for her and my shower then we could make the change then either way it'll happen.

Tech delivery brought the chair back this evening and certainly looks like the same old chair and immediately I tested the foot box and at least it was functioning so either tomorrow or Thursday when I get back into the chair I'll be able to at least use the foot box and the chair itself and take the weight off my butt that this chair seems to Delight and putting me in. I wish I knew what the parts they were talking about having to be mailed in which means I will have to give up the chair again at some point in the near future. A major drawback of this backup chair is the fact that it's pretty high as far as how it sits so that I cannot get under my arm bike to work out. So I haven't worked out at all this week except to Monday. I don't know if I'll have time now to get the other two and a half hours of exercise time in before the weekend. I suppose it doesn't really matter as long as I get the 200 minutes in sometime if I don't I'll try to do better the next week. Right now however I'm just busy enough to get me tired enough to sleep through the night which is why I started the whole exercise everyday routine to begin with. Now I have another dilemma then that's I've been notified that I've been approved to get the shower chair that I submitted a need for a couple months ago and I was going to the trauma of my broken shower chair. Remember? I got the casters for it and now it works like a champ just fine. In all honesty I probably don't need the chair now. The people have been working through when I told them this really pressured me to accept the chair if nothing else then use this other chair as a backup or vice versa either way sounds a little sketchy but I do like the backup chair idea but you all know that. The other issue is that having a full put together chair it's just more space taken away from my apartment and that's always a pain in the butt. We'll have to see…

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