Friday, July 05, 2024

Wally tamale

 I really have not had good tamales and five or six months ever since the little guy at the coffee shop on Saturday stop coming around and selling tamales to the coffee shop People. So last week or two weeks ago when I was over at Costco zooming around I noticed they had tamales there at a fairly decent price and they look pretty good. So I've been meaning to stop there when I had a way to carry stuff home from Costco said they'll give you anything to carry stuff with. Possibly if you really beg them they might give you a box one of those cut down boxes all their stuff comes in and that might work but you can never be sure. So I've made it a point to try to remember to take one of the shopping bags that I've gotten over the last couple years with me so when I do go to some place like Costco that I can carry my stuff home in it. I got a really nice bag from Amazon a few months ago and I have not had a chance to really use it. So today I decided I would take the trip to Costco do some shopping and by the tamales and whatever else I might think I need. It was a good trip into the store. I wasn't sure when the bus is going to come so I may have sat in the shade at the bus stop for about 30 minutes but it was okay to warm day much easier to do then when it's cold.

I was kind of surprised that Costco wasn't any busier than it was when I got there well when I got off the bus and cross the street to get to Costco. It didn't seem nearly as dangerous as usual as far as I'm coming traffic is concerned. There's actually. Of no traffic at all which allow me to zip right across the street and into the parking lot. I knew I was going to be challenged so I already had my Costco card out the newly renewed card and soon right in. It took me a while to find the tamales in fact I had to enlist one of the Costco workers to assist me in the search. What's really weird is that I actually found them right off when I got there today but when I went ahead and did some other shopping thinking I'd be able to find them when I wanted to and I couldn't but eventually I lucked out and the the Costco person found the tamales I got them and stuff them in my bag and then a giant bag of kettle chips which I wish I had yesterday for the barbecue. When I got home us somewhat pleased to find out that I thought I had purchased 12 tamales and in fact I purchased 15! When I opened up the package that's also please to find out they were packaged in three packages of five tamales each package which will make it a great deal easier getting the tamales when I want one. I stuck them all in the freezer and was pleased that I had enough room. It's still going to be a little awkward when I want to get some things out and I will take some real rearranging but all in all I'm pretty stoked about the tamales I ended up getting pork tamales which I'm kind of surprised that I did but I didn't want chicken tamales they didn't have beef tamales sometimes you have to go with what you can get at the time you want to get it…

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