Monday, July 01, 2024

I'm just pooped!

 What a weird night! I was awoken about 2:00 a.m. or maybe 3:00 a.m. when I felt myself poop in bed! I couldn't believe it I just couldn't believe it. I thought it was just a little squirt like I've had before but I wasn't really going to take chances I tried to raise the sheets as high as I could so they wouldn't get involved but I was able to take some of the pads I have next to the bed for this very purpose- - though I never really used them for this before I felt the day would come and today was that day or morning rather. Fortunately I was able to get back to sleep a little bit and slept for about another 2 hours. I finally at 6:00 a.m. started the process of getting up and I was really spooked cuz I didn't want to make the problem any worse than it was. I wish I had wrapped myself up in some of the protectors that I have like the adult diaper things but I didn't. I wrapped myself up as best as I could for the transfer which went a lot better than I anticipated. I was astounded to see a pretty big plop of poop on the bed Head it was pretty well congealed which doesn't sound very good but it was but it was a significant amount. I made coffee after I wash my hands of course, and then settled in waiting for Melissa to get here.

As usual well this did a great job the only cleaning up but alleviating my guilt at having pooped like I did. Well did more poop in the toilet and felt that I got in a good part of it out. I didn't have much to do out in the community today though I did run across the street to the market to get some more iron tablets. I want to make sure my iron is better at the next doctor's appointment. I got a hundred units for about three bucks which I felt was a deal I thought they cost more the last time and I thought they came in a different bottle but these are definitely iron tablets. I should be okay. Of course after what I went through this morning I'm really been somewhat intimidated to eat anything though I did clean out the container in the refrigerator and made some more raspacho for the coming week. I pretty much had everything except for fresh tomatoes and fresh celery. I can add those the day or so when I'm by the market I can pick some things up but everything in the cans that I had I stuck in the container it's going to be quite good I know. Cold front rolled through the Wasatch Front today dropping the temperature a good 15°, so now I'm existing at 85°, maybe even lower. Not to be too much of a biddy but I really like the 100° weather. We're going to get warm again in a couple days but it's certainly been on and off even though they keep talking about how we're almost two weeks ahead of schedule where we would not see 100° weather normally for another 2 weeks but of course all that's changed global warming supposedly is the culprit. You know 85 does not sound that cool but it is I guarantee you after enjoying 100° weather just being out in the 85 80 to 85° weather feels almost cold I'll just have to be patient and realize that everything is New Again because of global warming…

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