Monday, July 08, 2024

The heat won't last long

 I am kind of excited we are in for a run of hot days- really hot days and I want to be out in the heat as much as I can without doing any damage to myself or my equipment.I doubt really that I'll do anything spectacular out in the heat except enjoy the radiation and save up the warm thoughts for the coming cold weather. I am convinced this weather phenomenon is all part of the global warming phenomenon and the weather is going to look different than it has been up until now. Once again I am totally thankful but curious as to why Utah has for the most part Dodge City climatel bullets. I cannot believe the amount of moisture other parts of the country is getting right now to say nothing of what's going on in other parts of the world where they are being inundated by just unmeasurable amounts of water. I know Utah will get theirs when they're great Stones slip and the Great Earthquake happens here along the Wasatch Front and then we'll be footnotes for the 5:00 news.j

I think I chortled on before about not really liking canned air or refrigerated air or better said air conditioning. I've gone back to Turning mine off about 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning and just letting the apartment heat up for the rest of the day. I get very uncomfortable sitting watching the Netflix offerings or whatever and feeling like I need a blanket wrapped around me my nose is sniffing and I feel like I'm coming down with something only to find out it all goes away once I go out in the heat. The same is true with riding the bus there's a couple of the buses that I ride that the driver really likes to keep them cold as possible and they seem to have the cooling systems to bring that about so that even on the hottest days out there it's like going somewhere in a meat locker. I I'm sure everyone else enjoys the Frigidaire but I don't it's the same thing that happens to me when I go to the movies and though it's even hot as heck on the outside of the building once I'm in the theater I really need to have something wrapped around me. Usually I just suffer the cold but I have been thinking of taking something I can use to wrap around my arms at least to enjoy the movie is some degree of comfort. I hope I'm not being too redundant cuz I know I probably post something similar to this every summer about this time. But it's kind of what keeps my focus during these days of summer. I also know they will not last long they're fleeting. What I do wish is that I had a convenient easy way to go swimming, to get myself in the pool with water up to my neck. Would like to try to move my legs in the water, which I'm able to do quite well actually, it's just getting them in the water. Ever since I've gone to a power chair I have limited myself on many things that I used to do. But it also has given me so much freedom and the total ability to live as independent as I am. I hope you are enjoying the summer as much as I am dear reader. Now, go get something cold drink it down and enjoy the Heat it will not last long…

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