Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Consumer Cellular

 Fortunately I did not have to go into the city this morning for my assist meeting. I don't remember if we talked about it last week or the last time we had a meeting it seems like we did because Andreas indicated that he would probably be gone holiday week. I have course and forgotten that so when I called they reassured me there would be no meeting. I stayed up kind of late reading but I enjoyed that so it wasn't that much of a problem sleeping in this morning and not having to worry about getting up and ready and out to catch the bus I felt pretty good. I spent the day just hanging out and trying to catch up on some paperwork. It's renewal time so once a year I have to go through this document from the place where I live, because it's a private non-profit program you got to fill out paperwork as well as gather data regarding your income and all that kind of crap so that they can rent to you at the lower price or you can become part of that program. To be honest I appreciate any money I can save and I think living here saves me a whole lot. I washed clothes today just because I wasn't sure how I would feel tomorrow after the dentist appointment I have at 9:30. So it was good to get a lot of the stuff done before the weekend as well as before the 4th. I'm not planning anything to speak of there is some talk about getting together for a mini Grandpa picnic at breakfast on Sunday but I haven't heard anything since. Tomorrow, the operation here at the apartment complex is having a no host picnic for the 4th of July you know bring your own stuff but they will have the grill working so I guess you could do some serious barbecuing if one had such a desire.

Perhaps the biggest thing I did today was contact Consumer Cellular. Remember they contacted me about being late on my payment and I don't remember ever being part of that program but I guess I am when I called them they explained to me that I've been paying them all along and for some reason the payments just stopped a couple months ago of course that's when we killed my One bank account that all my subscription payment projects were in. Obviously I have a consumer cellular phone and they have records of me utilizing their service for the last couple years so I guess I am Consumer Cellular and I probably saved a buttload of money. When I was was that the Consumer Cellular website I noticed there was a program to get your password so you could get on your mail. For some reason I never put it together that my mailbox was through Consumer Cellular and in a few minutes I had talked to the consumer cellular representative who talked me through setting up a new mailbox and getting a few pieces of mail I had on the old one I guess. So now I am able to check my phone messages. I did go ahead and set up my payments on a new card that I got so I'm back to cooking with gas. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment at 9:30 in the morning and so I've had a call into my home health person Melissa who says she'll come in a little bit earlier so I can be sure to be done in time to roll across the street for some dental work.

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