Thursday, July 18, 2024

Storm warning

 For a short while today there was a promise of significant thunderstorms along the Wasatch Front. Even around 4:00 the clouds started building up significantly and that wind started the kind you know, but a storm is approaching? I love sitting out in the wind gusts it really is nice. In fact I had this bizarre belief that if I were to go out in an electric storm and get hit by lightning that it might burst the scabs or bruises or whatever on my spinal cord and cure me. I was in my late twenties and I still believe this I can't believe it now. There is this one time when I was in Blackfoot Idaho living just a few blocks from where I worked. It was an interesting little Triplex three Apartments belt in a row. The apartment sat back for the road a little bit and the driveway horseshoed in came to the front of the apartments then horseshoed out again back up to the main road. On the other side of the road in the apartments was the yard it was covered by lawn and one night during the thunderous lightning storm I rolled out to the center of the lawn. This was way before I got a power chair I was still in my manual chair pushing. Anyway the wind came up, it was quite dark, and there was lightning all around so like an idiot I decided to push myself out to the center of the lawn and test out my theory.

I agree with you dear reader that was pretty stupid but at that point in time I figured it was worth a shot. The winds came up semi-ferociously As I push myself out to the grass. I was wearing cutoffs and no shoes. I seldom wore shoes in the summer. The winds came up and I enjoyed facing the dark rolling clouds all around the sky. The storm grew closer and the rain which I could smell finally became present and there was significant lightning flashes all around and that was when I realize this was a stupid idea. The rain became torrential, a real cloudburst as I started pushing myself towards the apartment complex. The wind was still blowing but it seemed like the lightning bolts are getting closer an the Thunder roaring and my fear bubbling over as I pushed forward. The grass was now wet making the rims of my manual wheelchair wet make it very difficult for my partial quadriplegic hands to get any grass at all on the wheels push rims. I inched along at what took forever till I finally got onto the asphalt and the sidewalk going up to my apartment. I was drenched totally soaked and totally relieved I was now in the apartment dry watching the storm outside trash and crash and light up. Of course nothing happened to me except that I got pretty chilly before I stripped down and towel off. I know I would have been a storm casually had I've been stupidly hit by giant bolt of electricity. But for a brief second I bet it would have been marvelous… 

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