Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Pioneer Day 2024

It's been a hot nice Pioneer Day the kind that I like. Haven't done a lot just hung out got the wash done and tried to run rough shot on my bed repair that looks promising I make contact with the wheelchair or the chair shop or the shop that will repair the bed will cost about 500 bucks to get the job done but it's cheaper than a new bed and I know what this battle do when it works so that's great. Other than that it's been just a quiet one. I think if there was a comment to be made of Interest was that typically Wednesdays are the day that Melissa starts my wash while she's working with me and then she takes the wash from the machine and throws it in the dryer then I just have to pull them out when they're finished and fold them and put them away. But I found today Melissa forgot to do the second part which is okay no big deal. I'm just glad I realized this and started the process but when I went down to do it I ran into my neighbor who told me she had already done it transferred the clothes from dryer from washer to dryer and then she wouldn't take any money for doing it or even the cost of the dryer which is 75 cents. I have to dry the clothes twice to get a good dry so I did that and I got busy doing something else and when I went back to get my clothes or when I came back to my apartment after I'd gone out doing some reading out in the common areas the clothes are all folded in in the basket outside by door amazing I'm sure it was my neighbor. She is really nice and I appreciate having someone watch my back like that.

You might notice that this was written on a different program that I generally use for the blog. I'm writing this on my tablet which will not yesterday would not allow me to dictate on this product it kept shutting me down because it said my memory was full which it is. I have to figure out how to move a lot of the stuff it's on the OneDrive so I can store stuff again and so this won't keep me from dictating on this machine. I dictated my entry yesterday off my cell phone which is sort of difficult to do- - for me anyway.


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