Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Where's the damn image? found it


Don't you just hate it when you have something perfect in mind for a project or something and that that moment it seems to disappear? And what's really pathetic is that just last night I was going through my images on some of my my drives and there was the image I wanted. But today when I wanted to post something to my Facebook account I think or some other platform that I sometimes post on to I couldn't find the document to save my life or the file/image. And the reason I bring this up is it's kind of the reason for today's post.

I don't know what made me think of it. I didn't even go through my new messages which I usually do every morning when I wake up you know when you're in that zone of half asleep and you continue to climb up to consciousness? I felt pretty good I got about 6 hours of sleep which I hardly ever do and I was in no pain and it looked like it was going to be a great day and mind you it was a great day but that's not the issue here. But anyway, somewhere along the line as I wandered through today I became aware that if there was a weird birthday or trip day or whatever you want to call it today would be that day. Today was the day I got hit by a car, broke my neck destroyed my brother's motorcycle and became a quadriplegic. Unbelievable, so I thought as a quasi tribute to that because I really hate these kind of postings or someone goes over a major point in their life and tries to elevate into something that probably it wasn't to begin with. I thought it would be cool to rehash the accident and then post it with the image of the newspaper report of the incident and the best part is that it got an image of me being poked into the ambulance. I still don't know how this happened how they were able to get a person there from the local newspaper but they did. Maybe what I will do is that I'll go ahead and post this and then later when I find the image integrate it to the post then. It will not certainly carry the weight that it would otherwise it'll get the point across for future readers should they trip across this blog and such.

For those of you who don't know the day of my accident was the day just like today maybe not as hot but it was a great July day. I had just finished mowing the lawn of this old guy that I got the job of doing his lawn every week and I had rushed home changed my clothes into what I called my whites which I was supposed to wear at my new job at Kentucky Fried Chicken. A friend of mine had got me on there as a cook- - entry level by all means the most dangerous job but that's another posting. It was my second night on the job I worked from about 4:00 till closing would you be around 10:00 p.m. I had my license and my brother was out of town at the time so that means I also had his motorcycle which was somewhat bigger than mine. Anyway I came up to an intersection that didn't have a light just to stop sign had to cross it and as I did the car hit me. I bounced off the windshield broke my neck cut my head pretty badly and just ended up in the street. Fortunately I was right in front of a fire station and those guys came over and held me together until the ambulance got there and then I was at the hospital and that was that. There's a lot after that of course actually a little more than five decades but I'm thankful that I survived and had a fairly decent life for a spinal cord injured male here in America…

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