Monday, July 15, 2024

Jonesing for watermelon

 For some reason I have been focused on watermelon All Summer Long. I thought it'd be relatively easy to find a watermelon this weekend but I was shocked when I thought about purchasing a million at my local market across the street and they wanted like 65 cents a pound and the smallest bones I could find we're 8 and 10 lb melons actually the melon I felt strongest to I think it was like 16 lb wow! That's a lot of money for a watermelon. I know I had seen them for  $4.98 a piece, which I thought was much more tolerable than what they were asking to pay the melon. I thought sure they'd have a relatively accessible mail in there at Walmart which is just up the street from where I live a short bus ride if I don't roll myself. But they didn't have any watermelons! I cannot believe a market like Walmart not having watermelons in the dead of Summer. Then I checked another place and they didn't have melons- - this was the Harmons- - either so I was out of luck so today I wanted to go over to Smith's pick up a melon. Surely Smith's would have a decent watermelon. I think for sure I saw the Smiths at the superstore quite a ways up the street from my place for like $4.98 piece. But that was not up for an extended bus trip this morning. There's a smaller Smith just down the street from where I live so I decided to take that trip it was much shorter.

I was amazed as I perused the market that I could not find any watermelons. They had some small personal watermelons that have a hard time believing in they're just too cute too dainty to be a serious. I finally gave up trying to find any watermelons or just ask if they even had any watermelons. I found a nice little store employee named Kimmy who was happy to help me. And sure enough she found the big box of watermelons right where I'd overlooked two or three times. I had to find me a righteous spell and put it on my lap but before I could put it in my wallet I dropped the sucker and broke it open meaning I'd have to pick out another. I dropped the watermelon as I was close to the checkout and Kimmy happened to be there and saw my problem and she immediately went back and found me another and helped me stow the melon it in my pack. The melon I got was a lot heavier than I anticipated but eventually got home and on the chair by the table. I had Melissa cut up a Cantaloupe this morning so I'm good to go for melon for a few days. Now I just hope I can cut the melon up or have Melissa process the melon before it gets all soft and m  mushy. I'm falling asleep trying to finish this blog so I guess that's a Time reference that means it's time for bed…

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