Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Totally blessed

I must confess I've had a fairly productive day all things considered. I felt a little threatened most of the day because today's the day they're picking up my regular power chair to fix the intermediate stopping of the football mechanism. It's a quick fix hopefully it shouldn't be that big of a deal. But I have to send the chair in which means that I have to use the backup chair which is a real challenge and I'll get into that more in a little bit. But, I had canceled my time in with my volunteer meeting in Salt Lake with a cyst so I had yeah the morning to myself which I basically used in composing letters for the kids. I even included Charles AKA Charlie who for some reason I didn't really understand that he was living with Shelly and I could get letters to him there. I really should have been writing him all along kind of feel terrible about that but not too bad I'm sure he'll get over the situation but that's kind of been the whole thing of Charlie's life he was always just sort of added on at the end. I'm sure it's had some negative effects with the kid over the years. Today is an off day and then between day between bath and toileting it also means it's the day that I have to take care of myself that means getting up and getting dressed. This morning was a little challenging the dressing part but I got it taken care of relatively well. I've made arrangements earlier to have my caretaker come in and transfer me from my power chair to my backup chair. This went off no problem.

Perhaps the biggest challenge of my day will start driving my chair around the apartment this afternoon and one thing about this chair is that's really squirrely I don't know if it's the brakes or the motors or what but even when you stop pushing the accelerator toggle the chair continues to move and sometimes quite swiftly. Well that's what happened today and I ran the control box kind of into the wall and it snapped off so my control box was just hanging on by the wires I was totally crushed. I almost called and had them cancel picking me up picking up the chair and get my backup chair fixed. I even called Kent at ucat and he's going to come over or said he would but in the meantime I called Carl we just had the time and he came right over and really fixed it. We had to do some real thinking actually he had to do some real thinking but we figured out a solution with what I had remaining. We had to go on a hunt across the street at the hardware store for the right screws but we found them and they were just fine and now I've got the control box back in place and I'm ready to go really I totally amazed at what he can do. He even fixed my broken headlight so now I've got great headlights again. I must admit I'm totally blessed. 

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