Saturday, July 27, 2024

Crock-Pot chicken legs

 My friend was over yesterday, she's the one who comes over and helps me out when she needs quarters or a few extra dollars. Yesterday she needed not only quarters but to use my washing machine and dryer here at the apartment complex which is not a great big deal to me I'm glad I can help out. This person was once my caregiver and I thought she was very good. However she seems to move around a lot and so she left the agency I was with and now she just drops in when she needs stuff or what I call her and I need some cleaning done on the apartment. She does a great job cleaning I wish I could engage her for a couple hours just to do a deep clean she would be great but she does just enough to get by and it's just enough to keep me from engaging a real housekeeper like I really need to. I'm getting closer I think, to get in the housekeeper, I had lunch a few weeks ago with my old boss and she said she knows of a person who's a very good housekeeper and well contact that person to get in contact with me. If that works that would be great. I really enjoyed just hanging around the apartment with the cleaning that was done yesterday. Crossing my fingers that Claire will come through.

I spent this evening or rather late afternoon this evening cooking the chicken legs that I got the other day at the market. I decided to use the crock pot and one of the bottles of barbecue sauce I've had for years in fact the best by date on this particular bottle of sauce was for 20/20 20. I figure there's not much to go bad in a bottle of barbecue sauce. It was Hickory flavored giving me that nice smoky flavor I threw the legs in and let it cook for 4 hours it turned out pretty damn good I also cooked up a batch of rice that didn't turn out as well as I would have liked but it still doable I can use it it'll be good. It's just I don't cook it right it's always a little mushy towards the end and I try to cook it as close to the directions as I can but never seems to come out just the way I'd like it too nice and fluffy. It's a shame to buy rice already cooked cuz the fridaway is simple process. I will get it done eventually. My whole concept of cooking tonight was to make enough materials that I'll be able to get through tomorrow and into the week next week. It's a bit Overkill I know. I've got hot dogs in there to be used as well as one hamburger and still I still have Frozen tortillas and burritos and everything I'm set I don't really need to be cooking anything it's just that it's so much fun or I enjoyed anyway especially after a clean kitchen it's my way of breaking it in. Aside from that I really haven't done anything exciting today. I haven't even gone to the market or I didn't go to the market. I would have liked to have gotten some Fig Newtons or some ice cream or some other stuff I probably don't need. There's actually some storm going on this evening which kept me home otherwise I would have sprinted across the street picked up a few things for a Sunday and Monday but as it is I just stayed in enjoy the storm and cooked a little bit more...

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