Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Morning thoughts

Editor's note: sorry that I posted this blog tonight instead of yesterday. I don't know what I did but I forgot to hit the the button that posts the blog. I at least was able to fix the date so it looks like I posted it yesterday. Please forgive and have a great night Ms


I don't know if everybody has them but I have these strange bouts of creativity often just after waking for my night's sleep. Sometimes they're pretty interesting these thoughts that I get they seem to be so much better in the morning right after I wait from sleeping. Everything is crystal clear everything seems to make sense and everything seems to work the way it's supposed to. Those few times that I've taken the energy to write down a few thoughts about these moments of creativity I tend to think there's somewhat less interesting as the day goes on or else I even wake up more fully in the creativity Beast tends to slink back into the OR to my unconscious. This happened about a week ago upon waking I had this unique revelation or thought process about how interesting it would be to know the backstory or biography or history of some of the support characters in stories that I've witnessed or watched either on regular television or Internet or what have you. This day I got to thinking of the guy I called The General. I haven't gone back to really research what he was or who he was but in the adaptation of the book Ender's Game the guy who played the big guy or the director of the kid groups that Ender was part of. I thought he was really interesting and I really would have been interested in seeing a treaty done on him who he was and how he got to be over the school or training program that Ender was in. Was he a military guy? Or maybe he was just a shrink or an educator or a controller cuz he definitely tried to in control Ender actions.

These kind of Mind questions are the perfect items to use when I was trying to develop discussions with all my kids during kid day. It's not like I was actively doing an experiment I was just excited to get a discussion going everybody would get into and try to figure out a solution to an idea or problem I don't think we ever did the general from Ender's Games. I'm going to have to go back and check it for sure to find out what is rank was or if he had any kind of title or designation. As I laid there in bed I continue to develop more ideas to think about and one was to pull all the kids together are all the participants and kid day and go over this information and to see if we had enough interest or conceptual ideas to maybe rough out draft of short story, novel, movie script. I kind of think there's something there but I'm not sure what. Maybe there isn't and I just want something to be there because I'd like to know where the guy came from but more than that I'd like to get the feel of another Kids Day and enjoy the creative depth I used to feel when I dropped everybody off and headed back to my apartment …

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