Friday, July 26, 2024

Saturday repairs

I was totally excited and impressed this morning when I got phone call from the wheelchair shop repair guys who are coming out to repair my bed indicating or wanting to let me know if the time that we had indicated would be all right. I was delighted to tell them yes and they indeed were coming over in fact it was only a few seemed a few minutes later they called back indicating there would be over in about 30 minutes. I was told the excited I couldn't believe they got the party in and everything. The guy did okay you only got lost once having to call me for more specific directions. Let's hear it however he got right to work. I didn't tear my bed up this morning because I figured he had let me know how you wanted to work on the bed I imagine it'd have to take off the mattress but I just didn't know if he wanted me to take all the bedding off the mattress first or whatever and that was so impressed because like Hulk he just grabbed a hold of the mattress on each side lifted it up the whole kit and caboodle and placed it on the other side of the room. This of course exposed the whole mattress and the broken piece of equipment. Of course 3/4 of the way into the job he realized the part to be replaced was defective and he would have to go to the shop and get another one which said to me they didn't have to ship anything in that it was right here all along. Well anyway, it's exactly what he did coming back a few minutes later with the new piece and then within 15 minutes he had the whole piece in in the bed was operational once again even me fairly excited about getting up in the morning a bit more safely than I have the past too. This morning I almost got to the point where I had to call the fire department or somebody because I was in such a position I didn't think I'd be able to overcome the way I was laying halfway in and halfway out of the power chair but in a matter of great strength I was able to lift myself up on by the trapeze and eventually balanced myself on the seat of the power chair and then tipped the seat mechanism in place until gravity pulled my butt all the way back to the back of the chair and I 

was Secure. I did the lap belt up and then started my day.

I also started the August kid letters today. I've been having some Saturday issues with my tablet which is what I used to write the letters with these days. The only problem is I've totally filled up the machines internal drive. I have majored space on the chip added to the tablet my problem is I can't figure out how to transfer files from one to the other. I want to move files from the internal drive to the external drive and I just can't seem to figure it out. I did a few of them however which allows me to dictate on this machine at least. I was however able to download a few files which opened up I don't know how many megabytes of space on my internal drive. This should be more than enough to do my letters this month. I am going to have to get my son to advise me on this issue I'm sure he'll know how to do it if not I can always go down to the Light Rail and take the train into 21st South to a major business store there that does a lot of information technology type machines so there'll be somebody behind the desk are the counter who I think will be able to advise me I think I'll have more than 645 to transfer from one drive to the other… 

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