Monday, July 22, 2024

More Tech frustration

 I'm trying to exist inside a techno storm. All day I've been frustrated trying to either get technology to work or trying to fix technology that I have to have to exist case in point. I am trying to repair my automatic bed that is totally automated that lets me live independently. This morning as I was trying to get up or raise the bed up so I could transfer I heard a crack in the snap and then the top portion of my bed would no longer lift up to it like a sitting position. I broke something I'm not sure well I know what it was it's the gearbox that powers the servo or whatever mechanism it is that allows the top part of the bed to raise to a sitting position which I didn't use to help me transfer into my chair. Fortunately the other two modes seem to work. I have spent all day trying to find somebody who can work on my bed and get it fixed one way or the other. I even contacted my brother Carl to see if he could come over and fix it. He has a magical hand that'll fix just about anything perhaps even more importantly I was able to get at least him to eyeball the situation and find out what the problem is. It's a broken gearbox of whatever you want to call it. I was on the phone to the local folks trying to figure out if they had somebody they know who could fix it- - they did not. I was on the phone to National places like where they build this bed and they couldn't tell me who locally could fix it. I eventually got some other information which might be of assistance I'm waiting now to hear back from the people but I have a little faith in them actually cuz they seem to be lying to me. They told me that this bed is no longer being manufactured and they don't know if they find the parts to repair my thing they're going to give me a quote tomorrow. I did another search and found the number of places where they do have parts and such and the part that I need to get is on there I just not sure if it's the right one I'll have to figure that out tomorrow. I'm also hoping that perhaps the folks that you can't might be able to help me. I will give them a call and see what they can conjure up.

My plan now is to call it a day get into bed and hope that tomorrow when I have to raise the bed up as much as high as it'll go I'll be able to then make the transfer to my chair safely. Wish me luck

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