Saturday, July 22, 2017

Maybe or Maybe Not

It is Saturday morning and I should do laundry, apartment clean and write. However, it's now past the middle of July I know there's a farmers market in Murray Park and have not yet this summer gone to a farmers market. I'll go with high hopes that it will be a real farmers market – – real-life farmers but usually if there are farms they are corporate farms used family operations with logos, tracks and sleepy eyed teenagers who drove the last night and slept with the produce in this morning around trying to make a sale. There will also be represented chains, small enterprise like private bread companies With wonderfully nice designer breadwith delicious hard crusts.However, I was soon become disheartened realizing just all dirty capitalism at its best and worst. But I want to buy some tomatoes and cucumbers and whatever else might be good in salads for the week.

But already my pathetic brain is pulled me off task.I need to be doing home chores and being responsible not off gallivanting riding buses and generating blog fodder. I may even take images to post to my Facebook account. My brain feed is pushing everything in order to escape the humdrum existence of the apartment on a Saturday morning.

I've got to do laundry sometime todayif I do not understand the problem and not have anything short for tomorrow. I could worsen you shorts to do the laundry in but then I have short one set for the coming week. I could go to DI and maybe find a couple more shorts and maybe even a T-shirt or some sure the collar all of which I need. I realized with the shop the other day that I do not have a collared shirt sleeve shirt. And I have a date on Tuesday with which I need maybe. I have things I need to do and they are not here at the apartment. Some of which I can do this afternoon or evening provided I am not exhausted from my day out.

I almost forgot! Today is the first day of a three-day weekend, holiday weekend and I don't have any potato chips at all. So hopefully today and no later tomorrow I need to purchase at least two packages of Clover club potato chips – – the only kind I have for all especially a summer holiday. I could purchase some more meats but I still have lots from last week and I still have steaks in the freezer and I still have pounds of hamburger I can thaw and make burgers or even sloppy Joe's. I have options. I also need a watermelon but if I am really courageous I could purchase that the farmers market to it it would be a much better melon, a man from Green River which is probably the best militants in the universe. If I leave now might be able to get back by one or 2 o'clock. Possibilities. Procrastination is it not all the same?

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