Monday, July 03, 2017

Summer Heat

I'm getting a hitch in my hip but what else to call it, perhaps catch in my gitalong, that's what Walter Brennan called it when his grandpa McCoy. It's a pain in my head I get when I'm sitting in my chair. It's not a pressure sore kind of pain I know that kind this is something different I kind of think the pain is related to somehow the way that I sit in my chair. I don't think it's neurological or something to do with the spinal cord I kind of think the pain might be more orthopedic being caused by either by foot pedals being out of whack or my cushion being out of whack.Either way it's going to take some major impact from Casey my occupational therapist or my MD Dr. Ryser.

Just a few minutes ago I noticed metallic taste in your mouth you get when there's blood in there.And sure enough I was bleeding in there somewhere. This really is no big deal but it's coming from one of the tteeth or tooth that my DDS worked on a few weeks ago. I think I'm just falling apart it could be an age thing I'm sure it is I am certainly at that age. I'm sure something horrible to to the tooth soon and I'll lose that tooth presumable have any teeth and I headed off and that just sucks. More and more I am looking like an old man perhaps this because I am an old man.

Now I'm a little worried – – this afternoon on the way home I stopped at Target and got a lamp and a headset so that destroyed the old one. When Honey was here tonight doing my routine I have heard plug-in the headset and I thought I had charged. It's a headset that has a little broadcast device that can plug in the USB ports that are broadcast to your headset. I let the headset charge for an hour or so and then tried to use it works pretty good at first but then I think ran out of power quickly. So I think I'm in a helpless charge for a number of hours and not all night and see where I go from there. In the meantime I'm using the microphone from the computer camcorder. I may also have to have someone changed the broadcast device to the front of the computer where I can reach it and unplug the headset when I need to. Otherwise when I don't have the headset working I have no idea what. I'm just glad the microphone on the Camcorder is still working and I can Continue to use DragonDictate. I certainly got addicted to the DragonDictate system.

As the night before a national holiday, and The temperatureas hot as hell And I love it that way I think I have one more visit tonight Lori Brock indicated she might bring over some cottage cheese night after work which it be great. Then after that I think I'll get naked to hang out the rest of the night and enjoy the holiday.  

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