Friday, July 21, 2017

Notes On The Door

Blog 072117
One the things I hate most about apartment living is how little control one has over their environment.I had forgotten about the door for management. There's just something that chills me more than having notes or pages attached to the door my part. Perhaps it is a throwback to the “See Me” scribbled on the bottom of so many of my pages of schoolwork or return exams. It was never because my teacher or professor want to have a lively social bit of interaction no way “See Me” was always bad news. Then later on in life wife number two towards the end of our lively relationship started getting notices attached to the door of our apartments when the Sheriff's Deputy/Constable cannot find her home to deliver a summons. Again, if a note is attached to the door it very seldom is good news.

So on my return to apartment living and once again experiencing notes on the door. I do not know why notes on the door are such a shock they just are. Coming home today from meeting with a friend over coffee I could see from the end of the hall there was a note attached my door. Instantly I searched the other doors and there were notes on some of those doors as well which allowed me to take a breath of relief. Everybody got notes not just me, that's a good sign..

The first document was green in color, notifying the resident that management would be spraying the units for bedbugs next week. That's pretty benign. The newest three pages of changes to the resident handbook, this to was kind of benign but also could have some relevance to me. I'm number one was reiteration of the rule stating that balconies were not storage areas. I am fairly okay with this but must admit I have items on my balcony that are being stored there. I don't know how severe management is going to enforce this rule but the rules are not to cause me a bit of distress if not worry. There was also great bearing on the rule that no barbecues or cooking devices can be on the patios. I've heard to variations on this theme one is that this rule is system wide nobody can have barbecue stuff on the patios the second variation is that if you will want for two or three of our complex then you cannot have barbecue or cooking apparatus however if you're on the ground floor then it's okay. I have thought about, since I'm on the ground floor, having a bit of a hibachi or small barbecue but since I began using the apartment barbecue by bother? I do like having the patio free to turn around and and set in. I do have my rickshaw set up on my patio but think that's okay. And since my brother established the point wood lattice really can't see anything from the street. I should be okay. I'm sure I'll find a note attached to my door at some point letting me know there is an issue.

Times like this REALLY make me miss homeowner ship.

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