Sunday, July 09, 2017

On Writing, Washing & Cojones

It still Sunday morning so my guilt is not as severe as it could be for the at.. I renew my blogging this morning was. I renew my blogging so late in the day With renewed vigor following a conversation last night with my writing friend and confidant Lori what times can also be a muse and mentor. Lori really knows how to write, she has the technique and the mechanics down. I do not, and I really admire her skill set. I really believe Lori is on the verge of being published I mean, really published, not by some little private nonprofit firm but by a real firm which recognizes, Lori's skill, merit and focus to write well.

It is Sunday morning, still and there are 1 million things I need to be doing, Wash clothes, mop the floor, barbecue the meat that had in refrigerator for a week under the guise of holiday celebration. It's Sunday the end of the holiday week or the beginning of the next work week which I am not part. I think maybe if I burn the meat today and will count as celebrating the holiday in the American-style. What is interesting is that I guess I place writing as the most important of all these functions I will do today. Lori and I joked last night that we are not alcoholics, drug addicts are psychotics and perhaps that is why we are not great writers. I argue one does not need those but at times I can certainly see Willow the muse in a bottle or drugstore of one sort or another is certainly not someone into writing an interesting and enjoyable piece of work. Once again, I do not have the cojones to. use the support of everyone knows that a support is nothing more than a crutch and I'm phobic to addiction.

Now that I've written that I'm phobic to addictions I have to tell you I have become addicted to writing. Lori good and will explain this as an actual change in my brain chemistry/function Which Lori thinks, I believe, is a good thing. I on the other hand can feel the addiction grasping my brain, making changes forcing me to abandon washing clothes, cooking and scouring my floors in an effort to put words on the computer screen and send my thoughts out to the ether. Again in all honesty you must call a rock a rock and the duck duck. I am actually writing this entry today to avoid all the above and praying that as soon as I finish this document and post someone will knock on my door and begged me to come out and do something fun.

There just a few minutes left in this Sunday morning – – I truly wish I'd gotten up earlier. I actually slept in till almost 8 o'clock that is almost 8 hours which hardly ever ever happens. I do not know if I necessarily feel any better for the event all I do know is I'm pushing the clock to get my 500 words out at least for this day.

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