Friday, July 28, 2017

Once Again A Writer Writes!

The question on the floor is: is the person who keeps a blog a writer? Seriously, just because A person posts a blog regularly does this qualify actioon the person, a writer? What if the person posts every day and each one of those posts is on the average 500 words, then does this person qualified as a writer? A writer writes. This mantra has been my guiding light or hope for the past couple of decades. But the sheer face value of my mantra then I would be a writer. I currently have over 2000 blog posts and I can honestly say with a little pride that I finally got back to my stride of posting one 500 word post a day. I want to maintain this level output a couple of months until I can assure myself this is not a fluke. Once, I have this rhythm established then I want to maybe keep posting to my blog at the same time writing to other areas as well.

The reason I am once again trying to justify my existence and reinforce to myself that know what else writer is, is because we're quickly coming up on the next meeting of the “Writers Guild”, that quasi-writing group that meets maybe once a quarter to eat, visit and talk about writing. But a year ago we all agreed to begin bringing pieces of written work to be considered by the members of this group. I assume or I'm sure if I didn't bring anything to the group I would still be allowed to stay eat and converse with the others. But I feel a need to bring something. Since I know I can do 500 words I just need to sit and do 500 words may be more – – I started with an offering of 500 words which blossomed into about 2000. I was surprised. What I did for the last meeting and the offering turned out okay. However, that's not a lot. I want to write the next offering for the group that I have not written anything. My friend Lori was a member of this group says to me to bring copies of various blog postings. For a quick second I thought to myself ' yeah, yeah that's the answer I'll just bring a bunch of blog posts'. Then I thought boy that's a copout this solution kind of felt like cheating. Now having written the preceding sentence I still might bring some blog postings but I really want to develop the next chapter of the so-called book I am writing regarding my life after trauma 50 years ago.

Don't get me wrong, I do not discredit my blogging but By blocking just doesn't seem like true writing to me. My blog is not necessarily a journal though in many cases the blog could be a journal, I guess—In fact I do keep a journal besides my blog. My journal is a recounting of my days as accurately as I can, usually at the end of each day. My blog however, many times, will seize on a portion of a single event of that day and build on that event hopefully making a point. I must confess sometimes my blog is nothing more than a journal entry but I try to stay from blog journalizing.

So once again a writer writes, I write, therefore I must be a writer. Guarded grin.

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