Tuesday, August 29, 2017


I'm still coping with the battery issue in my power chair. I am limited on where go and what I do buy him out our I have access to. This of course is natural and to some degree I have to accept the limitations placed on me by my failing batteries. That being said I'm still trying to prosecute a life worth living.

Tuesday morning is an Assist Inc. morning. I was careful as I motored around my apartment getting ready for my day, getting breakfast, getting dressed and getting ready for a trip downtown. I called in to David my buddy To make sure that there was a meeting today and there was. But try to minimize the amount of travel I was doing as much as I could. I want to make sure I got to where I was going back with the power that I have. I got the Rt 217 inbound to Redwood station. At Redwood station and picked up the University redline which took me all the way into Library where I got off the train. I was not worried about this point my trip because I was going to charge by got to my Assist meeting.

There's just too of us were members at the meeting today. This was good this promise to be a fast meeting and it was all things considered. I was out of that place by 11:45 AM. I should've hung around for another half hour just so I have a whole hour charge. One half hour charge does not really comfort me very much but I did what I could get in was glad to have what charge I was able to get. I should've packed my charger but it seemed too awkward for this morning and besides I was going to charge up atAssist. By the time I left assist it looked and felt like I had a decent charge and I did. I really should go straight home and try to get something accomplished at the home front but the day was so nice I figured what the heck, I should go to movie. I checked the movies out at 3300 and state there was nothing there 33rd St. movies so I figured I would go to the Regal on Read road. I still practice conservative bussing So I took the red line down the software station Got on the 217 going inbound and got off at 5400 S. at the Regal theaters.

There is one movie starting in about 30 minutes. I figure that time to run to a fast food/grab some lunch to stick in my backpack and maybe even grab something a Harmon's. I got all that I needed done just 30 minutes. I raced back, keeping a close eye on my energy expenditures, and rushed to buy my ticket. I went through the whole process and then was Asked to pay $9.95. This stopped me cold in my tracks. I asked the cashier again how much it cost reminded her I was a senior, a senior with a disability. The cashier smiled and said $9.95 it's in the special theater. I was expecting to pay $6.95 when somehow was okay. I got all my contraband at Harmon's I.E. Milk ' Duds And flavored water = 0 cal (the flavored water Not the Milk Duds ).. Somehow though I did not pay the extra three dollars just for a movie I was only marginally interested.. Seriously, even if only really interested I would wait till the movie played in a regular theater. I said thank you backed away from the cashier box Collected my backpack full of contraband and left for the bus stop. I made it home just fine with a little power to spare.

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