Sunday, August 27, 2017

Black Crows

I wish I had taken my camera with me this morning when I went to the market to purchase some popsicles for the day and the coming week. It was the early morning I would say around 9 o'clock-ish. The days they'll had that early-morning quality. The sun well over the trees in the park was still casting long shadows on the concrete and pavement. I heard a commotion in the parking lot and saw a murder of crows hopping around on the pavement and flitting about cars and af ew shoppers were out to the market. There on the top of the buildings and on the top of the lights in the parking. We have parking lot lights built on a pedestal and writes about 15 to 20 feet above the ground with a square box which houses the actual lights and  a perfect perch Usually seagulls but the day they were perching ravens. Crows are ravens. I thought I knew this but it was good to see myself validated by the Internet.

At one time I think I counted 20 some crows. I stopped by motion and actually watched these hoodlums of the air for some time.. I'm sure it's no coincidence that there is a KFC and a few other fast food joints in this parking lot. I did not see any Open dumpsters or garbage cans, Brown paper bags loaded with food goodies which at one time nestled comfortably numb and dumpsters but none today littered the parking lot. But the crows were out Singing and cawing up a storm. It was interesting to see them fly from pavement to the tops of nearby buildings to the purchase of the top posts. It almost seemed at times there were two murders fighting each other. It almost seemed they were trying to establish some level of dominion over the area. I can see how murders the size would drive people to murder the murder in order to try to get extra morning sleep but once the crows start yapping and making In making the racket there will not be anybody getting any extra sleep. Wikileaks terms the style is opportunistic omnivores which is kind of a cool title. They've been around for millions of years hanging out in your in the old world then migrating couple million years ago to this hemisphere and grounds.

The crows did not bother meI just sat in the shade in the parking lot thrown by one of the buildings think it was a Wendy's. They were a little antsy did not allow me to get too close that was okay I got close enough. I could've sat and watched them all day or all morning at least. I went into the markets and got my popsicles and when I exited the market The ebony urchins were gone. I immediately missed them. I remembered I had a box of Black Crowes. I've had this this box of Black CrowesFor probably more than 15 years. Dianne bought me candy off and on casinos I like licorice she would often get me black crows from theater candy. I often put them in my desk drawers in my office and forget them. I found these couple weeks ago and never been opened and I sat quietly year after year in my bottom drawer. The licorice gumdrops are hard as rocks you have to suck on them a long time which I'm doing. This box could lasted for weeks or days depending on what I'm doing but like the real-life counterparts these black crows but not be around long.

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