Thursday, May 17, 2018

Edema, Who Me?

We are all going to die right? I know that probably more than most since I've come down close to the three times my life where I almost crossed over and that's not even counting of the near misses at experienced riding the train, crossing the streets and who knows what else are not even aware. I'm going to die I know that I just hate being reminded. Not that I was reminded today but I was made aware once again of the swelling of my legs – – this happens every summer maybe even in the winter too but you never know because you can't see my legs, I'm wearing long pants. But with the advent of warm weather I switch into shorts and one can see my legs especially my feet. I have always had swelling and everyone is always talked about my water filled lower extremities. I've never felt any physical distress due to the pooling of water in my legs but everyone thinks I should and when they bring it up I start thinking I should. Today my cleaning person came. She came after coffee social and I did not have anywhere to be till 1 o'clock. We have great chemistry which means we talk a lot. I have to be careful since some charge by the hour for cleaning. One of the great things about my cleaning person is she used to be a PCA (personal care attendant) a regular home health professional. I really think she knows what she's talking about. I mean more than once she has walked in on clients will kick the bucket for whatever reason. She knows dead people. So when she talks I listen.

So the second or third thing she says this morning when she comes to clean was “Boy, your feet are sure swollen” I going to my song and dance about how everyone tells me that, this happens every summer and it's okay I'm used to it. Then she asked me a litany of things in my diabetic, am I hurting, are your kidneys okay, and on and on multiple?'s. I didn't think anything about this and tell I started ruminating and the board meeting I was sitting at this afternoon. My clean person suggested that I get my feet above my head and I can actually do that in my power chair. It's kind of uncomfortable but I suppose I could do it but I don't know for how long. I suppose I could consider wearing the dreaded compression socks but there's no way I can get those on by myself even if I did think I was going to wear them. The bottom line is I would hate wearing many clothes. So now I'm hyper focused on my body. It seems that I am voiding more than usual 400 mL or more… Kidney failure!?! Am I becoming diabetic? Insert Edvard Munches “The Scream of Nature

I am settling down a little now that I'm home and surrounded by a clean apartment. I know my housekeeper did not mean to freak me out and she is probably only trying to help. I know I live in denial but come on really ,? It's just a little water, just a little retention I'll be okay… Just call me in the morning.

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