Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Cold Days Odd Ways

The past couple of mornings have been awake at 3 AM I don't know why I cannot seem to get past that our without waking. I'm lucky I can maybe go back to sleep but not for long and usually I just catnap until around six AM when I finally dragged myself up and start my day. Of course, I look out the window and today I was startled to see snow falling. I felt like bagging a whole day. I wish I could actually but I cannot. Of course it's Tuesday that means it's Assist.Inc., advisory board but I figure there wasn't going to be a meeting today and even if Heather had been I had made an appointment with my podiatrist for 10:15 AM which would mean I would miss my meeting. Luckily When I called Dave to check ,there was not enough data to have a meeting.

The snow is minimal, thank goodness, however it was cold I would say just shy of bitterly cold. Just to skip the snow did not impede my progress across the street and wait for the bus. I made sure I used by bus tracking app and only had to wait a few minutes. But it was cold and not just because I was wearing my shorts this day would have been cold had I won long pants. I really like my podiatrist, I look forward to my meetings with him is just such a happy guy. Podiatry I know that's a real medical discipline and it's amazing the system its around this concept of cutting toenails for seniors. I may not be saying this right but I sure know it's a valid for me. I cannot even reach my toes and if I could my hand function would not allow me to do any decent cutting of my own nails. And I suppose this is the case with many other seniors. I sure see them filing in and out of the office. I can't remember exactly how much these guys charge back to Social Security or whoever covers the bill as I know I don't see or feel the pain of paying for this procedure. I see it in the documents I get from PE HP that shows the amount charged back and how much they paid but I suppose 20 or 30 people a day coming through it adds up over a week's time over a month's time. They really only takes about 10 or 15 minutes from the time that I settle in the office and office staff takes my temperature blood pressure. Dr. S comes in and goes to work trim trim clip clip he even uses the rotor tool with the Burr and goes to town on my toes. Dust and smoke rises, he's quick and relatively painless. Poor Dianne I gave her such a hard time when she was working on my feet and she did so proficiently. I'm still amazed. I'm done he's out the door and I'm scheduled for six weeks out April something when will do it all over again but I'll be sure to be scheduled early in the morning so I can get the procedure done and out the door and on the bus to downtown for relevant o'clock meeting at assist Inc.

The day was cold bitterly cold but I stopped off at Walmart on the way home. I got some fruit and I bought a headset which for some reason my head is not very clear and I thought that purchased a headset that was wireless but when I got home it was not wireless at all and I'm still a bit in the fog from the cold and I don't want to go out tomorrow for don't have to but I have to take this headset back and get what I need. I hope I'm not coming down with something but as much as I've been out in the cold this winter I'm surprised I haven't come down to something worse.…

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