Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Paid In Full

Clarice showed up today to repay me for the snow removal of her vehicle. I was not sure what to expect be honest but what ensued was a genuinely friendly in interesting couple of hours. Clarice is from Ukraine via Germany during the second world war and onto America. She hobbles around with her walker she gets along better than I expect. She felt a couple of years ago on And it is never really feel yet she feels it's too late in life to consider a hip replacement. She's gone just hobble along with what she's got.

I've been working on the apartment off and on all morning not really thinking that Clarice would show up. I had already called the individual who wants to clean my apartment but she still second and as of my discussion with her this morning she was rated temperature by hundred degrees and she looked pretty worn out. Advised her to stay put or head in to Insta-care, the local “doc in the box”, for treatment. Hopefully by next week I'll get a more in-depth cleaning of the apartment. I was Up to my elbows in deboning one of the chickens I had gotten last week. For some reason I have a hankering for chicken enchiladas – – since I have the chicken – – I had even gone over to the market and purchased a can of enchilada sauce. You will remember I have limited hand function so needless to say the kitchen area where I was busy with the bird did not look pretty. Clarice did not say anything which I thought was kind but I knew she was thinking 'should I help her just little guy do it on his own' I guess she opted for the latter. I cleaned off my hands and welcomed Clarice in and she went right to work sweeping the kitchen floor. I'd slept most of the floor earlier in the day in preparation but there are still pieces that really need to be worked out.

Clarice bite my mop bucket and soon had it filled with hot water and Pine-Sol. Nothing makes an apartment feel cleaner than the aroma of heavy-duty Pine-Sol. Over the last couple of months I had dropped a number of grapes and other items round onto the floor which it been ran over by my chair in the squashed remains dried to the linoleum/tile. Clarice tried to soak those items free that was not going to work in the time she has left this life so she went to work with a straight edge shovel type device, the implement I actually used to remove the snow from the windows of her vehicle. The sharp edge worked great at scraping the sticky things off the floor. She then apply the Pine-Sol water and I don't know how long it's been since I have had floors this clean.

Earlier in the week I was going to vacuum my floor in my front room I never got around to the task. I pulled the plug from the wall by mistake in my wheelchair went to close. Before I knew it and run over the plug and pinched the prongs close together And it could not plug the machine in. I hate carpet for a host of reasons. This carpet is beige so all dirt sticks out specially more round items fruit grounded to the carpet. Of course Clarice wanted the vacuum but I finally convinced her not to and I think she was getting pretty tired at that point I know that I was entertaining is exhausting. We talked about many things her family, my family for life in Europe and America and some of my life in America. She threatened to come down again in a couple of days and I informed Clarice that she is more than re-paid any debt She might only owe me for digging out her vehicle. Once again, she would not hear of welching on what she felt she owed me. I knew better than to argue. So, I'll let this little person, this 81-year-old person continue to help me out clearing her debts...

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