Monday, February 25, 2019

Frture Time

Last night was a weird night. It's almost as if all of my nights are now a little strange. I kind of thrashed all around my bed the first part of the night. I really thought I was going to sleep fairly well. This morning be in Monday morning means I have to get up at six because the home health person Dana comes about 7 AM sometimes if I'm lucky a little early either way I like to be up and ready when she gets here. I had everything ready for bed by the time I was ready to get into bed. Once again, I'd watched too much television IE Netflix and it was going to be 12 o'clock by the time I finally rolled into the little bad and even later by the time I got finished is by mandatory 10 pages.

I checked to make sure I had my cell phone (I had actually forgotten my cell the night before. I was too tired Saturday night to get up and go find my cell phone. I did have a tablet next to my bed and it was charged so in the event that I did run into some kind of trouble I would be able to contact somebody perhaps not as readily as with the cell phone but I felt secure enough to make it through the night which I did. But I was sure last night that I had it with me it was only when I rolled in the bedand went to raise the had the bad that I realized that the wheel on my chair was squarely on the wire or cord of my hand set which operates the functions of my electric/power bed. I can get enough slack to where I could actuate the bed up and down in such but I just didn't have the degree of freedom that I generally enjoyed having a very long line on my hand device. I guess I should've gotten up into my chair and move the whole thing but I was going to try to make it through. This of course puts a layer of stress on me that I feel must affect my sleeping process.

It took longer than usual for me to settle down after I finished reading. Had untangled my legs and gotten them situated the way that I wanted. Try to get some elevation on my head and make sure the covers had my upper body covered so I wasn't too cold – – I turned the temperature down way down for me so the apartment is cool in the morning when Dana gets here. One time I left the heat it 78° in a totally freaked her out almost causing her to get sick. – – When I finally got to sleep I was awake at 2:30 AM the earliest I've been awake all week. I had to pee and got that out of the way and spent the rest of the night “time jumping”. Time jumping is going to sleep and waking up anywhere from a few minutes, to an hour to a couple hours later. Because it seems just a snap of time between one and the next it feels like I'm always jumping forward 2:45 A.m., 3:05 AM, 3:42 AM, until 6 AM. I felt like I could've slept longer probably a lot longer but I needed to be up and have my basics done by the time did not gets here. It's not really time travel the kind feels that way and I like that. I was worried that I'd be to drug out the day to really do anything but I consoled myself by thinking I could take a nap if I needed to.

I'd make coffee, and I'd shaved and is about ready to make my bed when something told me to check my cell phone. And sure enough there was a message on Messenger, Dana was sick. She wasn't sure if she would even make it today but if she did it would be like 11 AM or later. I message her back late that I messaged Dana back And told her that was okay that I could probably even last until Tuesday morning. She said she probably would be better than the later tonight when I checked my cell I saw that she left another message that she'll be here tomorrow at 6:30 AM. Tuesdays are usually asleep in day for me but I have a strong suspicion of robbery time traveling again tonight…

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