Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Almost Committed

This afternoon I went to the movies for no particular reason except that I want to go to the movies and it was Wednesday afternoon with nothing particularly burning on the agenda. I figured I need a reward for halfheartedly staying on my diet, finishing my drawing class and putting up my buddy for the night as he was driving back to Mexico. Not that I needed a reward but I just kind of felt that I needed one and really now for the truth. One to go to this place called “Joannes”, Joannes is a craft type of shop. It has all things crafty and artsy. I had been in Joannes before but never for art goods. I wasn't sure if they had what I was looking for what should be 1. Charcoal and 2. A tote board. I found the tote board is the name of the clipboard that we artists (that's a joke you know that) used to draw with. It's the kind of the couple clamps to hold the paper and usually a big humongous rubber band that goes over the edge that holds the bottom part of the paper. I figure I needed new one sense I pretty much destroyed the one I purchased in late May before my class started. Yes you are right you heard right I've pretty much destroyed my first board. I ran over to couple times unintentionally, I think, and this the board is made at a cheap compressed garbage am sure and breaks very easily I mean look I expect me and chair probably weigh 400 pounds. Nothing is going to put up with me too long. Anyway, Joannes conveniently is in the same shopping complex as Regal 16. I figured I would have the time to look around Joannes before the movie started.

Joannes, like I said is a major craft and artsy store. Joannes has everything from Styrofoam balls to everything that has to do with crafts. The place has everything except you have to find it. I could've asked one of the employees but I don't know if it's the male thing or if I just want to kill time. It took me forever to find what I was looking for. Eventually I did find the art section which was good in some respects and poor another's. I picked up some charcoal soft charcoal to do some sketching with but they didn't have a double clamp tote board that I was looking for. I was intrigued with a couple of portfolios they had but I think I'm going to either get over to the community college bookstore are checked the Blick outlet in Sugar House. I love that place. I would like to do tote board but this afternoon when I took my old one out of the portfolio I figured I could actually use it a while longer – – but already my mind is presenting me with reasons why I need another tote board. Funny thing a kind of aside but today was my home health day and my person who is really great is actually given me free minutes of time. She clocks out and we work on a project of my picking at the apartment. She is one of my many supporters who have been encouraging me to do the next step and take the next class.

I know it may sound as if I'm still teetering on the ledge. But there is, within me, building a an urge to go, once again to the SLCC website and check myself into the next class I think I need to take which is called “Basic Drawing”. I think somewhere in my little mind I've made a commitment to take this class. A big part of me is worried that it will be more of the same that we had in the intro class but at least I was drawing and learning technique in drawing which I may or may not need or use but I think is important for me to be involved with. I also like feelings of inclusion in meeting with other people were somewhat art like-minded perhaps that's all I need…

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