Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Brothers In Charms

Yesterday was my older brothers birthday, this is my brother Ross was just five years older than me. We were actually quite close growing up. We seem to always be together when we work and school anyway. Anyway, I made the call yesterday to wish happy birthday and all that stuff. It was interesting because he reminded me of how many times did save me one where the other growing up. I've never really thought this way before but it's true he had a point. I was always seemingly caught in near-death situations it seems.

It seems like I was the focus of many family miracles. The first that I was aware of our being told of was having some weird infection/disease process would is only a few months old cause me to have major fever. Realize of course this is in the early 50s. Oddly, I don't have the complete information but it was just my mom my brother and myself living together at the time and Boise. Had this deathly fever and we didn't have a phone so my mother forced Ross to run across the street to the neighbors , who had a phone, that they could call a doctor or whatever. I of course pulled through. Five or six years later it must've been around 1956 it was Thanksgiving and the entire family was coming to our home for Thanksgiving. Since Ross and I were the youngest the adults pretty much want to get rid of us so we went down to the canal which ran right behind our home. Of course it be in November the canal had been drained leaving only puddles and many of the puddles contain fish, suckers. Ross I found it was great sport stoning is poor fish into oblivion. I had noticed but I kept falling on the rocks another slick stones in the bed of the canal. It was at one of these fallings that my brother noticed the little red rubber boot that I had on was completely full of blood. I had somehow fall on a piece of glass or metal of some sort and gashed a big wound up my kneecap and it was bleeding profusely. I think I may have come close to bleeding out I don't know for sure but my brother Ross who was 10 or 11 at the time picked me up and carried me back to the house and they rushed me in the hospital where I stayed number of days. There's no question my brother played an integral part in keeping me alive in the early parts of my life.

These events of got me thinking it seems, growing up that I was just always hanging around deaths doorstep. I didn't even notice that in the time I don't think I ever thought about it and tell we talked yesterday on the phone. I wish that had more time to visit with him regarding these events but I had an evening just coming in from out of town to spend the night who happen to be on the phone as I was talking to my brother. I totally thanked him of course, that is my brother, for saving my life and be in there when I needed him and particularly now being there as part of my life. He's in Boise and I'm here and I don't travel anymore as I don't have the supports and is not the access but that's another story. I hope we get to spend some time together before one of the other winks out. Have a lot of things we need to get straight…

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