Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cool As A Cucumber

I processed the watermelon today. Seriously, that's the big thing I did today will actually that's not true, I did go up to the corner across the street and canvassed the drugstore for thermometers – – remember my sojourn the other day to the Insta care. I got one not the top-of-the-line and not the ear thermometer the physician recommended because ear thermometers are much accurate . As I mulled over the many options of thermometers at the pharmacy I realized that I know when I'm hot I know that I'm running a temperature. I don't have to be accurate not too much anyway just when my temperatures over 98.6.

I woke up and realized that I felt pretty good as I busied myself around the kitchen. In fact I didn't even remember the fever thing until I was halfway through making coffee. Then I realized it felt like the fever was gone and I decided not to trek back to the Insta care for another injection but I felt that if nothing else I need to have access to a thermometer. I am so cheap I even cause I brought up my need for thermometer at one of the impromptu groups that start around here nobody took the bait however and perhaps that's just as well.

I of course gravitated to the least expensive versions of body temperature measurement. I was really quite surprised to not find any of the old type Mercury thermometers, you know the kind that your mom used to stick in your mouth and your tongue when you're going to have to be silent for X amount of minutes. I guess they don't commonly have those at least at pharmacies anymore. I did find some on the Internet but I'm too impatient to wait for it to get here. I got a cute little unit that's flexible and good for oral, under the arm and rectal though I think I'll just keep it for oral. The thermometer cost me like $15 and byI rights should've only cost behalf of that because I was buying was half price. I was so proud of myself at the time I got through the check stand that I didn't even register the fact that I had paid full price for the thermometer. I did notice until I got back to the apartment and had the product opened in the taken my temperature and eyes at a cool 97.6. Is no justification for throwing away seven a half dollars but it's exactly what I did. So now I have my cute little thermometer tucked away into a little space on my medical supply shelf. And it's not that I want to be sick but kind excited for the next time I start feeling sore and have a slight headache and the uncanny desire to pay double the price for something that I want.

It's late August now, it's just a little after 8 PM and it's almost dark. The adolescents and other punks are over at the skateboard park getting ready to do their night ride and I'm snacking on what's left of the processed watermelon. I put most of it in one of my steel bowls and covered it up and put it in the fridge and left a bit for snacking before I go to bed. I figure I need to just as much liquid as possible because of the extra meds I'm taking you know for the infection…

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